Let’s keep it light-hearted

Sara Durgan
3 min readSep 30, 2019


A little spin on the news media that we see every single day. Let’s take a look at the comical news on real serious issues but still finds the way to tell us the real facts.

News satire is a type of parody presented in a format typical of mainstream journalism. It catches people’s attention if you haven’t noticed. This type of media has been used throughout the years. As early as 1864, Mark Twain was famous for publishing many satirical articles.

News satire has been prevalent on television since the 1960s. Famous shows like The Daily Show, Saturday Night Live, and South Park is all examples of shows that use daily news and spin them with comical outlooks to persuade viewers to laugh a little.

The two forms of news satire will vary depending on what you’re looking at. One form uses satirical commentary and sketch comedy to comment on real-world news events, while the other presents wholly fictionalized news stories.

The video above is from the popular website, Youtube.com. This video clip is of the ‘town meeting’ trying to ‘catch’ the President of The United States. It’s quite funny to see how the writers of the show portray the him as a wild animal and that everyone should ‘leave him alone and lock up your garbage, and maybe the President will just go away!’ C’mon, regardless of the stance you have on the president this is quite comical!

Everyone has a different view on satire and every day is a new chance to see someone else point of satire news!

There’s a Facebook group named ‘Satire, Humor, and Pun’ where there is over two thousand people who follows this page and are a part of this group on the daily basis! It’s fascinating to see all the different pages and form of social media satire has become in our daily lives.

This next video clip is from a popular website www.cc.com and it is hilarious. Even while talking about other countries presidents, people will still find the light-hearted comical way to talk about Trump. It really shows how accepted satirical news is worldwide.

If you’re looking for a good political laugh, you’ll have to also check out the Twitter account @satiredaily, it’s a real knee slapper!

Just remember, the news can be funny too. Whether, you believe one side or the other, whether you’re a democrat or a republican, news can still be light-hearted. Stop taking life so seriously sometimes. It’s more fun to laugh.

