UX Case Study — Gamification Idea for DOOGETHER Mobile App

Challenge provides by DOOGETHER (PT Generasi Muda Indonesia Utama)

Sarah Alfiani
6 min readNov 20, 2019

Project Overview

I was given the challenge to complete the case study from DOOGETHER (PT Generasi Muda Indonesia Utama). For an introduction, if you wondering what is DOOGETHER? DOOGETHER is an online platform that enables you to book thousand of different sports activities in any Doogether partners.

So, what the challenge?

DOOGETHER is moving towards a healthy lifestyle app, not just a sports booking/membership as its know today. To achieve that, one way to do is through gamification, in order to increase the retention of this app.

The question is:

“What kind of gamification is right for DOOGETHER?

How would it work in a lifestyle app?”

Here stories to tell you what I came up with, enjoy!

Project Goal

To make it clear, with this case study, DOOGETHER can increase retention by applying the right gamification and work in lifestyle app.

Solution-Double Diamond Design Process

Double Diamond Design Process

I used a double diamond as a methodological approach to finding solutions to this case study. A double diamond is a common practice used in the company to develop the design and find problem-solving. This phase is split into:

Stage 1 (Discover and Define)

Discover (Research)

I started my research by getting to know users in experiencing gamification from another app. To get to know a big-picture a user based on interactions with existing applications, I asked questions from the user survey. I’m using an online questionnaire (Google Form) to spread the question list.

My questions list are included how users often meets gamification and how does they feel. I questioning what kind of games they usually played and why. Here is the affinity diagram from the result:

Affinity Diagram

The conclusion of the survey results are:

  1. Most people feel that gamification is something that feeds and makes themselves very challenged.
  2. The people’s need in joining the gamification system is appreciation and motivation to reach their goals.
  3. Rewarding makes people even more eager to complete their goals.

#Specify End-User

With more than 100 respondents filled the questionnaire, most of the respondents were within the range 18–24 years old are workers. From that, I specific type of user who would most likely use a DOOGETHER app:

Millennials who want to live a healthy lifestyle in the midst of their busyness

Picture — Healthy Lifestyle

#Desk Research

Since the users are based on Millenials, I tried to empathize with given their desires, needs, and expectations by designing gamification for their accessibility to get their goals. To understand more about the user, I did some desk research that provided with some insights about the user:

Picture — Getting Gamification Right
  1. Set up the clear and pointing goals. If users already set up detailed goals, they have a strong purpose to finish their task.
  2. Give them a challenge. Challenge is thought to be one of the most compelling game elements motivating people to take action which can be a great tool on the way for UX improvement. Give them a reward it's also a plus point to increase their motivation.
  3. Stickers and badges as a tangible user interface. Creating a creative and fun user interface is familiar to them. In other app or video games, they often got stickers and badges. This kind of reward will be appreciated.

Define (Synthesis) — How Might we

After I did the research, now I gather all insight. From the results of the previous data, I conclude this case study to the “How might we” statement:

How might we make the user feel challenged by providing an interactive gamification design to achieve their goals?

Stage 2 (Develop and Deliver)

Develop (Ideation)

#Brainstorm Design SolutionGenerate User Flow

Picture — Brainstorming

After all the problems have been collected, it’s time for me to think of what’s the solution? Then I start from creating user flow as described below:

User Flow DooChallenge

What is DooChallenge? I purpose this flow because of the user insight as mentioned in my desk research. So, the system would be starting by entering the DooChallenge screen. After that, the user can fill the goal and review their exercise and diet plan. For motivate them to receive their goal, we provide a reward point system that they can use for another service at the DOOGETHER merchant.

Deliver (Implementation)


Next, I proceed to the stage of making a sketch as a visualization of this gamification in the Lo-fi paper prototype.

Paper Prototype


Picture: Wire-flow for DooChallenge

The picture above is the wireframe that I designed for the DooChallenge process. DooChallenge here is more likely how a user can contribute and feel challenged to achieve their goal and reward point. So what are highlight of this process? The following is the explanation:

Let the user explore the challenge they want

Add Challenge Screen

The challenge here has a purpose to attract the user’s attention to be active in using the DOOGETHER application. With challenges, there is a mission that must be completed to achieve the desired goals.

Appreciate your user by giving a point

Reward Voucher Screen

I think it would be nice to give appreciation in the form of adding reward points, for every package purchase provided by DOOGETHER. This reward point can later be used by users to buy other services so that there is no boredom to use other DOOGETHER services.

Help your user to achieve their goal

DooPlan Screen

I know that DOOGETHER already has its own package. DooPlan here is an all-in-package service, not only in terms of providing sports venues, but also healthy food. By working with other healthy meal merchants, DooPlan offers a healthy lifestyle in terms of inviting users to exercise and also inviting users to consume healthier foods.

Gamification Proposal by Applying DooChallenge

What’s next?

  1. Because of the limitation of time, I have no time for doing user testing this wireframe. So I need to do a usability test.
  2. Design iteration for better feature.

Lesson Learned

There are so many lessons that I got during the making of this project. One of them is gamification is something new for me. This thing makes me realize that I still need a deep dive into researching more about the key solutions offered to create creative gamification.

Thank you for reading my case study! I enjoyed the whole process while creating this project, I hope you all feel the same as me. It’s been my pleasure for having an opportunity to accepting this challenge from Doogether.

I’m looking forward to your feedback, please reach me out at sarahalfiani204@gmail.com or my LinkedIn.

Thank you :D

