“asm-app” a react native mobile app to configure alya-smart-mirror

Sarah Alsaeedi
3 min readMar 14, 2018


Less than three days left for @eclipse open IoT challenge 4.0 competition, and in this blog let’s introduce our react native app “asm app” which is one of the main alya core component. Our app plays a major role in our project as it’s an intermediary between the end user and the backend as discussed before in “asm-backend” . Asm-app is what the user will use to personalize his experience with alya-smart-mirror. It handles many functionalities as will be discussed in more details in this blog.

User management

Asm app enables the user to create new account as will as sign in with his own credentials. While the user creates an account, our app will notify the backend to send a socket to the mirror to start face recognition training. Once he get recognised, he will be able to go foreword to the rest of our screens.

User Management Screens

Add-ons Management

The main idea of asm app is to provide an easy way for the end user to manage his own add-ons as well as customise his mirror. It provides him the ability to choose which add-on to install, uninstall or configure. Once the user is signed with his own account he will enter our main screen that contains the core add-ons as well as his already installed ones.

Asm-app→Backend →Alya Mirror

Another thing is , he will be able to install new add-ons from Alya-addons-store with single button click. Besides, he can with the same simple way uninstall add-ons except for our core ones. All these functionalities are async with the mirror by sending and receiving APIs calls from and to the backend and other parties (asm app and Alya mirror).

The last role for the app is to let the user simply configure how the add-on should look like in his mirror and see the changes once he submitted them. Our app will notify the backend with the new changes which will reflect them instantaneously on the mirror.

Add-ons Management Screens


asm-app demo

