Batman Forever (1995) Movie Review!

Sarah A. Synk
3 min readApr 19, 2024


Photo From: IMDB.

Premise of Batman Forever (1995)

Batman Forever is about a villain named Two- Face. In the movie, we meet a woman named Dr. Meridian, also called Dr. Chase Meridian amongst Batman fans. Two- Face Breaks into a building to kill Batman with his minions and gun him down. Two- Face wants to open up a safe. Batman tries to take down Two- Face. Two- Face goes on a helicopter, and attacks people on the hellicopter. Statues are destroyed. Two- Face has a coin that he carries, and on it it has Achilles. Dr. Meridian falls in love with Batman and tries to seduce him in one of the scenes. We then learn about a man named Edward who wants to make this sort of brain stimulator. He refers them to “Brainwaves.” He does this by attaching a device to human brains. Edward’s project proposal gets rejected at Wayne’s Enterpise by his boss, and he tried to attack and kill his boss. Guards had to look at security cameras. Later on, we then learn about who Edward really is.


In the movie, the villain Two- Face is in it. Two- Face has many personalities, and laughs a lot just as much as the Joker. On one side of his face, it looks like it is burnt. His eyes are covered with red. Two- Face was originally named Harvey Dent. He is also considered to be flamboyant, according to Alex Russell from a website called CBR. In Alex Russell’s article called Taking a Second Look At Batman’s Forever Proves Tommy Lee Jones Nailed Two- Face he explains: “Seemingly miscast as the flamboyant, overly emotional, personality- fluctuating nemises, upon Jones’ Two- Face breezily yo-yous from an arguably misguided attempt at matching Carrey’s manic energy to coldly deflecting it with recurring use of hushed, gravelly voice and reserved body language” (Russell, Alex. Taking A Second Look At Batman Forever Proves Tommy Lee Jones Nailed Two- Face, CBR).

The Riddler:

We learn that in the movie, Edward becomes The Riddler. He tries to think of creative names to call himself, and have a cool nickname. He likes wearing question marks, wears green and purple, and carries a cane. In Batman Forever, 1995, he was a mad scientist before, and pairs up with Two- Face. Jim Carrey places a mean Edward/ The Ridller.


In the movie Batman Forever we are introduced to Robin. Robin is basically Batman’s side kick. Batman meets Robin at a circus called Gotham Circus. Gotham Circus is attacked by a bomb in the movie. Robin steps in to save the day, throwing the bomb at the circus into the water. Batman was in disbelief as he saw this- he was one of the trapeze act in the circus.

Dr. Meridian

As mentioned, I told you about a Dr. Meridian in Batman Forever. Dr. Meridian is a pshycologist, and began to work with the police of Gotham, helping with crimes. Batman shows love interests towards her, but also doesn’t. Batman says to Dr. Meridian: “I haven’t had much luck with women.” It almost made me feel bad for Batman, but then again, he’s a superhero and also doesn’t have time to be committed into a relationship.

Does Batman Have PTSD?:

In the movie, I saw that Batman kept having flashbacks to the days his parents were murdered. He always stares into space when he stares at a particular spot, remembering different memories.

It made me wonder if he has PTSD, because he looks so tired all the time reliving those memories. He has a memory about being at his parents funeral, and how the priest at his parents church didn’t seem too promising.

What I rate Batman Forever:

I rate Batman Forever a 5/5 starred review. I have to add that Val Kilmer played Batman, Jim Carrey played the Riddler, Nicole Kidman played Dr. Meridian, Chris O’ Donnell played Robin, and Michael Gough played Alfred Pennyworth!



Sarah A. Synk

I love music reading writing drawing and being creative in general!