With all the Love, Literally…

~ Sarah D ~
4 min readJan 1, 2024


Photo Credit :Unsplash

A short fiction story based on the Reedsy writing prompt entitled “set your story on New Year’s Day”

It happened to be one of those days. Those days when you woke up feeling like doing something differently. When you felt like doing something new. The feeling was a brand new one. It was a wholly different sort of feeling.

It was New Year’s Day, and there were a million-and-one reasons to celebrate. She thought of doing something outlandish, something she knew for sure would make her happy.

She happened to have a special someone. Someone she wanted to surprise. She didn’t want to make him feel over-the-moon-happy, but she knew it was indeed possible! She wanted to make him feel loved. She somehow was filled with Christian feelings that New Year’s. Could she blame herself? Christmas was 5 days ago.

She sat in her room, in front of the mirror, and decided she wanted to surprise him. She would wear make-up. Not in the way, she normally wore it, just a lip gloss, and face powder usually was enough for her. And she had recently turned 18.

She decided to do one of those hairstyles she had seen on YouTube. She wanted to tie her hair in a Chignon. She also decided that she would do up her face, and make a good impression.

She had read lots of stories of how people impressed their boyfriends with the way they dressed. She had recently lost a little weight. She would look excellent in that mini-dress that she had in the cupboard, she thought to herself.

She looked at herself in the mirror and liked what she saw. She was looking ravishing as usual. But she decided to wear her cutest top and jeans instead of the dress. She personally never liked dresses.

A good pair of Jeans seemed to suit her best. She made sure that the color of her nails went well with her top, earrings and lipstick. She also made sure her shoes matched her outfit, and that she looked as pretty as a picture.

She decided to drop in unannounced. She knew he was at home. She decided to walk to his place. She walked around the block to where he lived. As she walked along the path, there were trees and flowers and birds. All of them seemed to echo the feelings she had- the need to surprise her boyfriend.

The trees seemed to be swinging, and merrier than ever; The flowers in them also seemed to bloom with equal ferocity. The birds seemed to also sing in unison, and that made her wonder if they knew what she was thinking about.

It was just 10 a.m. that New Year’s Day, and she had canceled all her other plans. She finally reached his door. She rang the bell and waited. Suddenly the door opened and he let her in.

She walked into his apartment. He was there being his cute self but he was wearing no shirt. She was feeling particularly romantic. She started to kiss him, and he did not resist her. She kissed him while he lay on the couch, and she enjoyed looking at the pinkness of his cheeks every time she kissed him.

It was their first time alone. He had recently moved out of his parent’s home, and into his own apartment, a few blocks away from where they lived: A place she knew well. He wanted his own space, though at first his parents resisted, and he finally got to have his way.

They had all sorts of fun together that day. The two love birds were alone on New Year’s Day. He had followed her advice and kept the bond between himself and his parents alive. He even bought groceries for them from time to time.

But she still lived with her parents. She would also cook and clean for them. She didn’t particularly like doing it, but she somehow managed to stay true to her Christian upbringing. After they had enough, she returned to her home and said nothing of her encounter and her hidden love story.

She went back up the stairs to her room. She looked in the mirror. She looked at the picture of Jesus on the wall. She felt grateful for the Universe and the great scheme of things in a strange way. She felt so loved for that moment.

She said Good night to the Lord and turned out the light. But her phone was still on. And there was a message from Enrique, her friend that no one knew about. “Did you have a good time?” He asked her. “Yes, splendid fun,” she said to him. “I love you,” she said. “I love you too” came back the reply.

“Happy New Year,” she said to him in another message

“Same to you Darling” he replied.

She hugged the pillow tightly and whispered a small prayer to God. Her Nana had impressed on her that people who did this were by far, happier folks. She then drifted off into a deep sleep and dreamed about everything she did with her boyfriend at his apartment. It was indeed a wonderful New Year’s Day. Not in the traditional sense, but in every other aspect it was meant to be wonderful. With all the Love, Literally.

