Written in response to: Start your story with someone entering a taxi and saying ‘follow that car.’… (credit : Reedsy Prompts)

~ Sarah D ~
4 min readJan 23, 2023

“Follow that car” Godfrey Jones barked at the cab driver, as the vehicle ahead of them sped at a crazy speed in the middle of the busy street. He flashed his badge at the taxi driver and the listless man did as he was told.

Just weeks ago he was sitting by the window of his small cheap apartment. He could afford a better place to live, but for the mission, he had been officially assigned, Godfrey had to live the life of someone else.

On an official assignment as an undercover Agent for the FBI, Godfrey Jones acted the part really well. All he had to do was protect the girl next door. Even she did not know that he was appointed to “watch” over her, she was simply told by the cops that a system was already in place and that she just had to have a ‘little faith in the system.”

He was playing the part of a man who was looking for a job in the Boston, Massachusetts area. He did not seem beguiling in the least, not a hint of deception about him. Susie Charleston who was part of the witness protection program did not have the slightest idea that Godfrey, a.k.a Timothy Delaney was actually assigned to watch over her every move.

Godfrey was rather enjoying his role as Timothy Delaney. He didn’t have much to do, and on his current assignment, he had to be some sort of connection with Susie Charleston every time she went — anywhere or did anything. Susie had a job as a nurse at the local hospital, so Godfrey, rather Timothy had to get a job as someone who could watch over everything she did.

He even managed to install cameras in her apartment so as to watch her when she cooked, cleaned, and did mundane things about her apartment.

Susie on the other hand was a fairly attractive young woman. Oblivious of Timothy, her life was in apparent danger. She had no idea that she was being “watched” but yes she had been a witness in a high-profile murder case that was almost about to reach its verdict.

If convicted the man she stood as a witness against, Randy Orwell, was a man who was convicted several times before, and even managed to escape a heavily guarded prison in which he was detained. If convicted he could face a life sentence.

So as part of his assignment, Timothy Delaney had to also befriend Susie Charleston, just so she did not react with too much alarm if something went wrong too soon, as was expected. Godfrey was rather enjoying himself as Timothy and he was actually looking forward to the part where he could befriend Susie.

Godfrey had been on a number of similar assignments but not one as unpredictable as this. Randy was a dangerous man and he was capable of anything. He knew he would face an impending death sentence, for the murder of 26 people, after being let out on parole.

The days went by. Timothy got a job as a clerk at the reception, of the hospital where Susie was working as a nurse. Timothy always trusted his gut and knew that Randy was smart enough not to try anything at a government institution, so watching Susie go in and come out was going to be all that was really required.

Also after befriending her, it so happened that she took the same bus as he did to the apartment building where the two of them shared apartments on the same floor.

Timothy Delaney seemingly had an easy life. By day he watched her at the hospital thanks to a microphone he had installed on her nurse’s outfit. By day he watched her on the surveillance cameras that he had very carefully placed at strategic points in her appartment.

One day Timothy was busy eating Ramen, while he was watching a movie and watching Susie cook oatmeal in her PJ’s. He didn’t have the foggiest what was taking Randy Orwell so long.

Suddenly, a blackout.

“Crap” Timothy gasped. “Its him” he muttered under his breath and spilled the contents of the ramen he was eating all over the floor. He fidgeted about in the dark, looking for his Phone flashlight, and then for his gun. He knew instinctively that Randy Orwell had probably already broken in to Susie’s appartment, and probably … he assumed the worst.

He wore his sneakers that he so enjoyed wearing as Timothy Delaney and became Agent Godfrey M. Jones again. When he got out of his appartment, the door of susies appartment was already open and no one was inside.

Godfrey thought of the next available option to get out of the building because he could hear someone running down the stairs sounding like a nother person was also being dragged against their will. Agents were trained in this sort of thing, and could tell sounds from others.

Godfrey took the fire escape, and halted a cab. He asked the driver to follow what looked like a black car of japanese make speeding down the middle of the busy street. George tried to shoot the back car tire, his aim was spot on. The tire burst and the car swerved to the corner of the street, knocking over a trash can.

Sure enough Randy Orwell, though a formidable adversary for Susie, was not all that in build. A thin lean man, he was a master of disguise and loved to prey on small built women.

“Tim?”, a very scared Susie asked her rescuer.

Without speaking, Godfrey took Randy into custody, and a bunch of other police cars arrived on the scene. A listless Susie was so terrified she was shaking in her shoes.

Timothy Delaney and Susie Charleston could have been an item if not for Randy. But then the good guys never get to have fun, and life is always about work and never about play.

Godfrey Jones returned to the precinct after another successful mission. He still works as an FBI Agent and is making the Boston area safer day by day.



~ Sarah D ~

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