Critical Making Exploration

Assignment 1, Spring 2019: What is your question?

Sarah Cohen
1 min readJan 23, 2019

This week, we were asked to make a mind map of our interests in technology and design. I found this extremely helpful, it forced me to take inventory of all of my interests and visually see where they converged.

I started with my own interests: areas that I enjoy personally, industries I would enjoy working in and subjects I am curious about. Those are the big circles. Then, I expanded on those subjects, writing everything from products that already exist to ideas I have.

In order to connect this all back to class, I created another diagram of the themes for this semester and drew lines connected all of the interests and ideas I had in front of me.

I actually had to put a time limit on this exercise because the options and connections were so limitless. These are my results.

My Mind Map

I do feel like I have a better scope of the class and how it aligns with my interests and goals and look forward to using this technique more. Hopefully, I can reference this diagram as I begin to chose a CM project.



Sarah Cohen

Experience Design Student | CMCI Studio, CU Boulder | Inspired by good coffee, sunny weather and passionate people.