Will AI replace Content writers in the future?

Sarah Furqan SEO expert
4 min readJun 17, 2023


Photo by Yuyang Liu on Unsplash

Emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning and digital currency are invented to make human work easier and more efficient.

Artificial intelligence continues to become more innovative across the globe. It is being used in all businesses from web content to social media copy post blogs and copywriting. Al is becoming a necessary element for business and assisting humans in all aspects. With the rise of AI, human are perturbed that will AI replaces their jobs.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

AI capabilities

Artificial intelligence is the ability of computers to work like humans in writing, speech, calculation, etc. In recent years AI has indulged in various sectors from healthcare to finance, construction, and transportation.

Artificial intelligence has installed natural language processing to analyze million of existing writing and its database. AI has the potential to mimic the human brain process data and extract patterns to understand and generate human language.

Many people are concerned about AI software making them jobless, or making them redundant. These fears are not without reason.

A Two-year study by Mckinsey indicates that intelligent agents and robots could replace up to 30% workforce by 2030.

Around 500 million to 700 million jobs could be displaced.

Will AI completely replace content writers?

Many AI products like Quill, wordsmith, and Chat Gpt have reached their perfect task performance like copywriting, idea creation, and grammar check but still, it has limitations.AI and cannot replicate human creativity emotions, humor, and empathy. Thus, AI-generated articles still require human skills to make article connectivity and enhance their reading style. Despite its processing power, AI cannot think without the guidance of humans. It is not possible for any AI tool to compete with a really good writer who has emotions, experience, and an understanding of business goals. AI cannot create strategic and story-driven content without human intervention. It is unlikely to replace human content writers in 2023 or the near future.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Why AI cannot replace human writers? Reasons

One should consider AI tools as an assistant rather than the writer

Content writing involves more than just the production of text. It requires deep research, critical thinking storytelling, and the ability to tailor content to specific audiences. Human writers excel at understanding context, and cultural nuance and adapting writing style accordingly.

A good Content writer does not need to concern about his job because AI tools cannot be trained on certain factors that give the human touch

A) Judgment

AI can generate pretty good content with specific prompts but it lacks coherent, engaging long-form content. It lacks the ability to write in flow.

b) AI does not understand the strategy

Ai does not understand business goals and strategy. AI-generated content does not know where the reader is in the buyer’s journey.

C)AI lacks emotions

For business objectives, web content should be written emotionally to excel brand but AI tools lack to write compelling and full of emotional copy. Only human writers offer a satisfying and emotional reading experience to a reader.

d) Various writing styles.

AI lacks to produce a variety of content with different sentence structuring. A human writer knows how to choose compelling phrases. AI fall shorts of generating creative text and recognizing patterns.

Kurzweil’s tech predictions

Ray Kurzweil an American computer scientist, inventor, and futurist made a number of predictions in the 1990s. He popularized the concept of “technological singularity” suggesting that there will be a point in the future where AI becomes so advanced that it fundamentally transforms society and human existence.

Ray has made 145 predictions with 86 % accuracy

.Many of his predictions have come true that computers beat the world’s best chess players.

.He also predicted that computers will play a significant role n classrooms. Ray has made 145 predictions with 86 % accuracy and the world is looking forward to the new ones that are

1) By 2029 search engines will understand the meaning of search and keywords will not require anymore.

2) AI will surpass human intelligence and pass the Turing test by 2029

3) By 2045 humans will be merged with artificial intelligence, a phenomenon he called “the singularity”.

He is excited and believes in creating unparallel opportunities for progress and creation.


Instead of replacing content writers, AI is more likely to assist and augment human work. This collaboration between humans and AI can enhance efficiency and productivity in content creation.

Therefore, as AI continues to advance and become more sophisticated, the role of human writers remains invaluable, particularly when it comes to variety, creativity, and the ability to connect with readers at a deeper level.



Sarah Furqan SEO expert

Hi! I am SEO content writer with 3 years working experience.