Why I Will Never Stop Taking Photographs

Sarah Graves
5 min readAug 27, 2018

Despite what all the “Experts” Say

Photo by David Bartus on Pexels

I’ve heard many an expert make a claim for taking less pictures. In an age dominated by the impromptu selfie and the urge to document every moment of life in a Facebook or Instagram post, pictures, many argue, have become meaningless.

Taken out of context, they no longer convey the significance of the moment, and may actually impede one’s ability to both enjoy and remember said moment.

But despite all the advice to the contrary, I will never stop taking pictures.

For one, I don’t believe picture-taking has the effect of disengagement so many claim. Now, I’m definitely willing to concede this may be different for everyone, as so many things are, but for me, taking a picture has the opposite effect.

The other week, for example, at my son’s birthday party, I was so busy rushing around playing hostess that I didn’t realize until after the party I’d forgotten to take pictures. While I was able to cobble together enough photos from friends to at least have mementos of the “big moments” — blowing out candles and opening presents, there were pictures no one had — of the decorations and venue that I sorely regretted not capturing.

A friend attempted to console me with the well-meaning words, “At least you were able to be…



Sarah Graves

Sarah Graves, Ph.D. is a freelance writer on education, money, parenting, personal development, health, and creative entrepreneurship.