Thank You for 5 Wonderful Years of, Boston ❤

Sarah Hodges
3 min readJan 3, 2018


So, some important news: we’re closing in early 2018.

Dave Balter and I launched the company five years ago with the goal of bringing the community together to develop Boston’s next generation of leaders. The response was overwhelming — people immediately rallied around the business in ways we couldn’t have imagined, and it’s been truly thrilling to see so many leaders flourish as they’ve passed through our programs.

During the last several years, we’ve both moved on to other projects that require our full-time attention (Flipside Crypto and Pillar, respectively). With our focuses there, it’s become increasingly clear that while the business has been growing at a strong rate, neither of us are in a position to provide the company the attention it deserves.

Building has been one of the most gratifying experiences of our careers, and we certainly didn’t do it alone. We’re both incredibly grateful to the core team that has driven our growth since the very beginning. We’re equally appreciative of our facilitators, the companies and leaders who have participated in our programs, our advisors, and everyone from the community who has helped to lift us up with your support along the way.

The company that stands before us today was shaped by each and every one of you. We’ve been blown away by the impact you’ve each made on our community, and we’re so thankful for the time, energy, and insight you all shared with us.

We currently have two Exchange sessions in motion, our personal development program for new managers (one kicked off in November and we’re wrapping up enrollment for another in January). Both will continue as planned, and we’re happy to know that these ~50 new managers will be able to experience the program one final time. Casandra Varao will continue to help run these programs, and Gabriela McManus has found a new home leading people ops inside a startup here in Boston.

So here’s the bittersweet, part: is closing in its current format, but we’re confident its mission and capacity will live on in another form. So this is as much an ending, as it is a new beginning. Stay tuned for more on that.

In the meantime, let’s all celebrate the 1,950 people from over 120 companies who have passed through Intelligently leadership programs over the years. You’re carrying the torch as a key to Boston’s future success, and we’re proud to know you as alumni, now and forever.

Sarah & Dave

***Give a clap for the entire community below!***

