Creating a 3D game using Three.js

5 min readJul 30, 2023

Creating a 3D game using Three.js can be an exciting and challenging project. In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the steps to create a basic 3D game where players can explore a virtual world, interact with objects, and complete challenges. We’ll cover the following sections:

  1. Setting up the Project
  2. Creating the Game World
  3. Adding Player Character and Movement
  4. Implementing Physics-based Interactions
  5. Adding Challenges and Scoring System

Let’s get started!

1. Setting up the Project

Create a new project folder and set up the following files:

  • index.html: The main HTML file.
  • styles.css: The CSS file for styling.
  • main.js: The JavaScript file where we'll work with Three.js.

Make sure you have included the Three.js library and any other necessary resources, such as textures or models, in your project. You can download the library and other resources from the Three.js website or include them via CDNs.

2. Creating the Game World

In main.js, set up the basic Three.js scene with a renderer, camera, and scene. Create a ground plane to…

