How To Create a Telegram Bot using Python

3 min readAug 2, 2023

Creating a Telegram bot using Python is a great way to automate tasks, interact with users, and provide useful information through the Telegram messaging platform. In this tutorial, I will guide you through the steps to create a basic Telegram bot using the Python programming language.

Here’s what you’ll need:

Python installed on your computer (version 3.x recommended).

A Telegram account to create a new bot and obtain an API token.

The python-telegram-bot library, which provides an easy interface to work with Telegram Bot APIs.

Let’s get started!

Step 1: Set up your Telegram Bot

  1. Open Telegram and search for the “BotFather” user.
  2. Start a chat with BotFather and type “/newbot” to create a new bot.
  3. Follow the instructions to choose a name and username for your bot.
  4. Once your bot is created, BotFather will provide you with an API token. Save this token; we’ll use it later to interact with your bot.

Step 2: Install the python-telegram-bot library

Open a terminal (or command prompt on Windows) and use pip to install the python-telegram-bot library:

