What Were Puritan Parents Thinking?

The Wacky Names They Gave their Kids

Sarah Albee
5 min readMar 20, 2022


William Dobson, Portrait of a Family, Probably that of Richard Streatfeild, circa 1645 (Public Domain)

SSummer will be here before you know it, and you may soon be looking for a great beach read. You could do worse than this page-turner from 1888 called Curiosities of Puritan Nomenclature. No, really, stay with me. The author, Charles W.E. Bardsley, combed the parish registers and death records from 16th and 17th century England and found some…



Sarah Albee

Author of over 100 books. Next: TROUBLEMAKERS IN TROUSERS (10/22). Recent: FAIRY TALE SCIENCE and ACCIDENTAL ARCHAEOLOGISTS. Contact: sarahalbeebooks.com