Are You All In?

Rachel Miner
4 min readMay 23, 2019


I hope everyone’s having a great great day. I wanted to talk to you about being all in or all out.

What I mean by that is there is a lot of people that go through their life and they try to do things with the least amount of effort as possible or they want to do things but they don’t give it their all.

For instance if people talked about their job and they said “oh I want this job and I love all these requirements except for this one requirement. I am not going to do this one thing. I will just do this one part of the job and that is all.” Or they went to their boss and said “I love all this except for this one report I don’t want to do that report.”

Do you think they would last very long at that job or company? Do you think they would get fired if they started telling the boss what they were going to do and not do? If they didn’t do all of the job they would not be giving it their all.

Have you ever know someone in a new relationship that gave it their all to make it work? Some people give it their all and love and serve their spouse to make it work. They work through things no matter how hard it may get. Then there are other people that when it gets tough they think “ well it didn’t work out so let’s move on as soon as possible.”

Two completely different outlooks on having a relationship. If you are all in you are all in and you are gonna do everything you can to work it out.

Lets talk about exercising. Imagine someone saying “I just started this new exercise program. I go to the gym and this trainer helps me do weights, do cardio, and do strength training.” This person shares how he is getting stronger and healthier from all of this. You have been thinking to yourself how this sounds great because you want to be stronger and healthier as well. You decide you are going to start going to the gym as well. When you get there you decide you want to be just like him. You decide you want strong arms, but you don’t want to put weights at the end of your barbell. You want to have great lung capacity but you don’t want to run, just walk slowly. You want to be healthier but you sit while others move.

You are not going to get the results that you are looking for. You may get some results but you are not going to get the results that you wanted when you talked to your friend originally.

People do this with eating right. I see it with the people I work with. They want to be healthy but they don’t want to do the ‘whole program’ just the part they like. They know they need to drink water but not really how much they are suppose to, that would be hard. They know they should not eat cake and cookies every night after 10pm but they look so good. They want to have the same results as everyone that is putting in the full effort. The same results as the people that are ALL IN.

Most people say they are all in. They think they are all in, but they can justify all actions that make them not all in. Just because you can put the blame somewhere else does not give you an excuse to be not ‘all in.’

You are lying to yourself if you think that an excuse if OK. Now I am not saying that sometimes we are human and make human choices. I am saying we need to own up to it. State the fact, you had a human day, no one is perfect, not judge and then go ALL IN again.

I talk to people all the time who are wanting to improve their health. They would give anything to heal their body and get rid of the health issues they struggle with. They want the results that others have. They want to be part of a program that is laid out for them and they want to be ALL IN. AND then when they do not see amazing results in 3 min (OK that is exaggerated a little), or even 30 days, they are ALL OUT.

They don’t want to be consistent, They don’t want to take supplements everyday. They don’t want to drink water or watch their body go through detox and they give up… How often do you get results when you give up?

Decide today in whatever you are working on in your life, whether it be a relationship, your health, your job, or just loving yourself, are you going to be ALL IN?

Do it a hundred percent. If you want to be a good mom love your kids, help them, laugh with them and cry with them. Doing it 100% does not mean it is easy. There may be happiness and there may be sadness along the way, but doing it 100 % brings fulfillment.

When you are ALL IN you find Fulfillment in life and that is what lasts forever.

When you are all in you are going to enjoy the journey even more. You are going to get the results you want. You are going have the relationships you want. You are going to achieve the job you want. You are going to have that abundance mindset.

You will have everything you want come to you. Things will be drawn to you you will have amazing results better than you even thought you could ever have.



Rachel Miner

Gut Health Educator * Thyroid Healing Guru * Wellness Activist * Author * Speaker * Mother of 7 * Believer * Loving Life and Living it to the Fullest *