Ryazan’s Kremlin

Sarah Jewel
3 min readJun 5, 2016


Kremlin — when hearing or seeing that word most people think of this:

However, you may have noticed the title “Ryazan’s Kremlin.” That is because “kremlin” is not Moscow specific.

A little history:

A kremlin (“castle”) is a Russian fortress. It is a major fortified complex/stronghold found in historic Russian cities. Ryazan’s kremlin, the oldest part of the city of Ryazan, was built somewhere between 800–1095 (highly disputed) on top of a steep hill surrounded by rivers and a dry moat. The initial construction was fully wood. It is said that the wood was gradually replaced by masonry; even so, it has had to be rebuilt many times (as have most kremlins).

There’s lots more history that I don’t know/can’t find on Google, and sadly I cannot find the specifics of what is actually at Ryazan’s kremlin, but what I do know is that there is a cathedral (probably multiple for the Russian Orthodox faith), bell tower, stables, governmental buildings, an archeological dig site (obviously this is new), and other various buildings. Also, if you go at certain times of the year, you can see cute couples sitting on a lovely bench making out. Very historical, huh?

Here’s Ryazan’s kremlin through my lens:) Enjoy!

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— Leo Tolstoy

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“The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love.”

— 1 John 4:8

