The Magic of Routine: Creating a Safe and Happy World for Your Preschooler

Sarah Julia Foster
3 min readJun 20, 2024


Imagine this: It’s after a long day, and your preschooler is a whirlwind of emotions. They’re tired, hungry, and maybe a little cranky. Sound familiar? This is where routines come in! Having predictable routines and rituals throughout the day provides a sense of security and comfort for your little one, making those crazy moments a little less crazy.

Why Routines Matter

Preschoolers are all about exploring and learning the world around them. But all that exploration can be tiring! Routines provide a sense of order and predictability that helps them feel safe and secure. They know what to expect, which reduces anxiety and makes transitions between activities smoother.

Gentle Parenting and Routines

Gentle parenting emphasizes empathy and connection, and routines are a perfect way to put these principles into practice. By creating routines together and responding to your child’s needs, you can build a safe and nurturing environment where they feel loved and supported.

Building Routines with Empathy

  • Start simple: Focus on the core routines like wake-up, mealtimes, playtime, and bedtime.
  • Be flexible: There will be days when things don’t go according to plan. Roll with the punches and adjust the routine as needed.
  • Involve your child: Let your preschooler help choose pajamas or pick out a bedtime story. This gives them a sense of ownership and control.
  • Use positive language: Instead of saying, “No more playing, it’s time for bed,” try, “After one last story, it’s snuggle time!”

The Power of Rituals

Rituals are special activities that become part of your daily routine. These can be anything from singing a goodbye song in the morning to reading a book before bed. Rituals create a sense of connection and comfort for your child, and they can be a calming presence during busy days.

Ideas for Fun and Meaningful Rituals

  • Morning cuddle time: Start the day with snuggles and kisses.
  • Special goodbye tradition: Have a high five or a secret handshake at drop-off.
  • After-school snack time: Connect and chat over a healthy snack.
  • Bedtime story routine: Dim the lights, snuggle up, and enjoy a story together.

Remember, consistency is key! The more you stick to your routines and rituals, the more comfortable and secure your preschooler will feel. And that, my friends, is a recipe for a happy and thriving little one!

Looking for more gentle parenting tips and strategies to navigate the preschool years? In my book, Building Bright Minds: A Gentle Parenting Guide to Nurturing Confident, Resilient and Emotionally Intelligent Children, you’ll find a treasure trove of resources to create a happy and harmonious home for your entire family. From establishing routines to managing tantrums, this comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge and confidence to raise a thriving and emotionally intelligent child.

Get your copy of Building Bright Minds on Amazon today! You can order the book here!



Sarah Julia Foster

Therapist Sarah J. Foster, who battled anxiety as a teen, now empowers both teens and parents with practical tools to overcome challenges and foster resilience.