How plants will help you thrive at work

Sarah-Kate Hill
6 min readApr 14, 2020

Most working adults spend a third of their day at work (often more) so it’s crucial to have a healthy working environment. Plants can help you.

TED talks, Forbes, and a variety of newspapers and blogs (including The Guardian and Women on Business) are talking about how plants can improve working environments, and why we need to bring them into our offices.

These eight points will show you the importance of bringing plants into your work environment now. And, if you need any more persuading, I’ve attached a great TEDx talk by Mike Robinson to show you more!

A plant in an office.
Photo by Johnson Wang on Unsplash

Effects on your office environment

Better air quality

Bringing plants into your workplace can improve the air quality by vast degrees:

  • Plants absorb the CO2 in the room and give out Oxygen. This creates a natural and mutually beneficial cycle for both them and us.
  • Plants are natural humidifiers. They release moisture into the air, helping to hydrate their environment. This keeps you and your colleagues healthy, as the moisture helps to improve dry skin, sore throats, coughs, and infections.
  • The plants also soak up toxins and chemicals in the environment, including pollutants, dust, and cleaning/paint chemicals…

