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Sarah K. ButterfieldinKoinoniaHow to Become Firmly Rooted in GodFor those of us who want flourishing and fruitful livesNov 21, 20231Nov 21, 20231
Sarah K. ButterfieldinKoinoniaThe Spiritual Practice of Naming Our DesiresThey can be signposts to GodJul 12, 20235Jul 12, 20235
Sarah K. ButterfieldinKoinoniaHow to Live, Love, and Lead From the Power of God’s AbundanceAvoid living in the scarcity trapApr 12, 20233Apr 12, 20233
Sarah K. ButterfieldinKoinoniaTrust God More With This Simple Spiritual PracticeBelief is cheap, but trust involves actionMar 23, 20233Mar 23, 20233
Sarah K. ButterfieldinKoinoniaHow to Achieve Real Transformation of the HeartTwo practical suggestions that have helped meJan 11, 20236Jan 11, 20236