No-Phone Day: How giving up my smart phone for a day helped me reconsider my lifestyle

Sarah Lafi
7 min readApr 1, 2019
Virtual Chains

Smart phones have become such an intrinsic part of our daily lives.

Ever since I’ve subscribed to the monthly data cell phone package, I started noticing that I have grown quite attached to this little electronic device called the “smart phone”. Well, these devices really are smart, not just because of the myriad of functionalities they possess, but because they are smart enough to get into our minds and control our lives.

For many of us, it’s the first thing we interact with when we wake up, and the last thing we see before closing our eyes. We use them not only as phones, but also as music players, calculators, maps, calendars, journals, dictionaries, books, shops, banks and so on. It’s amazing how a small rectangular shaped device managed to easily replace so many of its technological predecessors.

Lately, I have been feeling more anxious and less focused. And I couldn’t help but wonder, if these changes were related to my recent excessive use of my smartphone.

Has my increased attachment to my smart phone directly influenced my focus and level of anxiety?



Sarah Lafi

An enthusiast and an optimist. Striving to find the best version of myself.