Keeping Myself Accountable

Sarah Leopold Evans
2 min readOct 23, 2017


I’ve been pretty busy since I graduated from Flatiron School a little over a month ago. Besides the excitement of moving from Atlanta to New York City permanently and the hustle and bustle of beginning my job search, I’ve been working hard to build on the skills I learned at Flatiron.

It’s gone pretty well so far. I threw together a portfolio website to show off my resume, the projects I did in school, and my newfound skills with React. Sure, it’s slow to load (but hosting it on Heroku is free!) and I used a pre-made template, but I’m happy enough with how it came out.

Then I took to Udemy to pick up some skills with Node.js and Express. I learned a lot, and even though my finished product could use a bit of styling, I’m excited to start another project with Node, Express and MongoDB.

The problem is there are so many things I want to work on! Like a lot of people, I got sucked into Frank Lantz’s new incremental game, Universal Paperclips for a couple days last week. Unlike many of them, the experience inspired me to try to build my own incremental game. As a fiction writer, I think this format would be a great way to explore the world I write in.

Additionally, since I started my job search, it’s become apparent to me that I need to reacquaint myself with vanilla JavaScript. Fortunately, it’s totally doable to write an incremental game with only vanilla JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Unfortunately, I know very little about game design…

This seems like a great opportunity to set myself some specific and achievable goals. I’ll post here each week to share my progress and what I’ve learned.

Goals for the next week:

Goals for November:

  • Complete the JavaScript30 Challenge to brush up on my VanillaJS.
  • Update each week with thoughts or plans for my incremental game!

Watch this space for updates on how I do!

