#25before25 Why Everyone Should Make a Bucket List

Sarah Malone
2 min readOct 10, 2016


Eat, Sleep, Work, Repeat.

This is the life many young adults live. There is very little motivation nor do we have the money to explore. We get so comfortable with the repetitive day-to-day, we forget how beautiful life can really be. Instead of going through the motions every single day, create a life of adventure and passion. Create a bucket list.

Whether you’re going through a break up, a quarter-life crisis or you are just extremely eager to explore, a bucket list is a great way to stay focused and accomplish some pretty amazing things. Instead of creating a life long bucket list, create one with a timeline on it. If you are like me, you create a long list of trips and events but never actually follow through to make these things happen. If you create a timeline, this brings urgency to the table. Create a list like #20before20 #30before30, you get the picture.

Your bucket list doesn’t have to be filled with expensive travel, because we all know 20-somethings aren’t hitting the jack pot yet. It can be a list of work goals, every day accomplishments or a list complied with things you’ve always wanted to do, but now you actually have some reason to accomplish them!

This started when my roommate created a #25before25 bucket list. It was truly an inspiration to watch her check off accomplishment after accomplishment. Naturally, I couldn’t sit idly by while she grabbed life by the horns, so I made one too! Following in her footsteps, I’ve been able to cross off goals that have been on bucket list for five years now. It’s amazing what you can accomplish when you start believing in yourself. I’ve learned so much about myself through these adventures and can easily say that life truly begins outside your comfort zone (or, even better, jumping out of a plane). 

We all know crossing everything off your to-do list feels good. But, crossing life changing adventures off your bucket list feels pretty damn great. Eat, Sleep, Adventure, Repeat. Trust me, you won’t regret it.

“Jobs fill your pocket. Adventures fill your soul.” -Jaime Lyn Beatty

