Our Pussy-Grabber-in-Chief

Sarah McCurdy
2 min readNov 9, 2016

Let us mark November 8th as a failure.

Let us mark the day that we, as Americans, failed the United States and failed the global community.

Let us mark any indication or cultural belief that we stand for liberty and justice for all.

Today, tonight, and for the next 1455 days may we oppose the real degradation of human value.

The result of this election is not a reflection on Donald Trump. We have seen what he is for far too long to be naïve.

It is a reflection on me.

It is a reflection on you.

It is a reflection on American society.

The next 1455 days and beyond will be the United States’ mirror; bigotry, misogyny, racism, xenophobic traits and all.

The underbelly of the United States won tonight and the implications will change the power axes of the world away from the United States. This “victory” is a victory for one and a raging defeat for 7.4 billion.

We cannot be as blind as the pollsters were. This was not an election consisting of solely uneducated, white, male voters. This was an election in a society of changing power structures and a society failing to see beyond pre-failed promises.

These next 1455 days will engage more anger, frustration, confusion, and failure for a “free world”.

Let us mark a pre-failed state; America’s very own South Sudan.

Let us mark our pre-failed citizens, all 320 million of us and the millions more to come.

The ugly was not south of the border behind a special wall to quell all our feelings.

The ugly was not the “other” that upset me, tried for equal pay, tried to be a part of American society, tried to follow a constitutional right, or stole your job.

The ugly was not Hillary Clinton; a fearless, gritty, human leader.

The ugly was not only our very own Pussy-Grabber-in-Chief.

The ugly was inside of us.

