Sarah McIver
4 min readDec 5, 2018

Addressing Root Cause: How changing the world is going to take more than donating to charity

We’ve got some pretty serious problems in the world today: environmental destruction, poverty, unemployment, homelessness, healthcare issues, war, bad politics…

We all know that in order to solve a problem, you have to address the root cause.

But when you realise the root cause of these problems is money, here’s the big question:

How can we use money to solve the world’s biggest problems when it’s money that has created them in the first place?

Wait a minute, why is money the culprit?

  • Environmental destruction: ravaging of the natural environment to plunder resources, grow cash crops, create farmland, drill for oil, frack, etc., all for profit
  • Poverty: people living without basics like water, shelter, food, when we have a surplus (to the point of waste) of all of these things in other parts of the world, but distribution and implementation costs money
  • Unemployment: jobs are disappearing due to automation, existing jobs demand more hours, more responsibilities, for less pay, just to keep businesses in profit and meet economic targets
  • Homelessness: fewer jobs means more people unable to earn enough money to meet their basic needs, which leads to food banks, evictions, sleeping on the streets
  • Crime: the vast majority of crime stems from inequality and lack of life’s essentials
  • War: the main propagator of war is the appropriation of another country’s rich resources, another profit-driven problem
  • Mortality: for the first time in our evolutionary history, we are dying younger, despite advances in medicine and technology, most likely due to the fact that we are now more stressed, overworked and underpaid due to pursuit of money just to survive
  • Healthcare issues: the driver of healthcare is no longer primarily the wellbeing and health of the patient, but is instead the profits in pharmaceuticals
  • Bad politics: governments don’t solve the problems as their priority is movement of money and economic growth, everything else is just an afterthought

Ironically, we need money to solve the problems created by money, but it’s not as simple as donating to charity, as even charities have pressures and obligations, and even then, they don’t really address the root cause of the problems they’re trying to solve.

So what’s the answer?

Investing in a unique hybrid company whose aim is to evolve beyond the market system by creating products and services that educate, facilitate and raise awareness, thereby giving you a means to really solve the world’s biggest problems and share in the profits along the way.

Free World One is that company.

We believe that free access to all basic living requirements is now a fundamental human right of all twenty-first century citizens. We recognise that, technically, our species’ millennia-old battle for survival has already been decisively won, and that our method of controlling resources through markets and labour is now outdated, inefficient and unfair to the majority of people. We realise that by combining the power of community with available technology, we can meet everyone’s needs easily and sustainably, while creating better communities.

We have identified three areas of interest that fit well with our founding ethos, and which also have significant commercial potential: Education, Raising Awareness, Prototyping

In each of these areas we have projects that have significant commercial potential which can help us spread those ideas to many more people.

These projects are:


- LifeGames — a series of books containing educational activities aimed at children of ages 4–12 to learn essential life skills such as empathy, respect, communication, sharing and cooperation in a classroom environment through the medium of games. These life skills will be essential if we hope to create a world driven by cooperation and compassion (in development)

Raising awareness:

- Alt+Shift — a series of live events that offer a platform for the discussion and presentation of ideas relating to a better future (first event March 2019)

- F-Day movie — a feature film based on the successful novel F-Day: The Second Dawn of Man by FW1 founder Colin Turner in which the world transitions from the market system to an open sharing economy (script writing in progress)


- — a centralised community resource network that facilitates the sharing and delivery of local goods and services worldwide (already live, in further development)

We are now seeking investment in our company in order to pursue these commercial avenues, promote our aims, and bring back the benefits in profit to our investors.

If you’re serious about doing your part to REALLY tackle today’s problems, then we invite you to take a closer look at our work at