3 min readFeb 9, 2017

Cultivating Kratom plants is a great way to guarantee to have the purest and freshest leaves in your hand and make use of it whenever you would desire. You will experience the strain and you will exactly know about the leaf and the close connection between you and the Kratom plant will give you great satisfaction of having the plant with you since a seedling. Do you want to know more about Kratom? Certainly, you will get all the information you require in National socioeconomic forest reviews of states that leaves are gathered by the villagers living in the forests of Indonesia from the Kratom trees, sundry the leaves and then sell the leaves for their daily earnings.

Growing Kratom Basics

Kratom plants should be watered at least once a day and while growing Kratom plants ensure to keep the surface of the soil moist with the water drained off and monitor the plant from getting affected by fungus. You should take necessary precautions by spraying insecticides or fungicides otherwise, your plant will get affected by fungus. If there is a little fungus, it will not affect your plant but it may spread over the plant quickly and destroy the entire plant.

For the fine growth of Kratom plants, the soil should be rich, humid and should drain the water from the pot to keep the roots aerated. Potting soil regularly may be dense for cuttings of Kratom plants because there is a possibility for the roots to get choked and will also induce fungal growth. You will get good results by adding the mixture of perlite, earthworm castings and peat moss to the plant. Make the mixture loose and fill it inside a pot with one gallon and relocate the cutting into the pot. Kratom trees will grow more than 100 feet and that is the reason the seedlings starve for fertilizer and water, even though they are tiny.

Kratom plants require an enormous amount of light. If Kratom plants are grown indoor then the better option is to place the plant near a window where it is exposed to more sunlight. Even light bulbs with 100W work great and you can save energy as well. Make sure the light bulbs are kept at a height three feet above the Kratom plants. In case, if you need to keep the bulbs closer to the plants for any cause, then you will have to use extra bulbs at the sides.

Kratom plants require fertilizer which can mix well with the nitrogen that is present in the roots of the plant. Once the Kratom plant is established, it takes up a high quantity of water and fertilizer. So, you need not overwater the plant. You just have to check if the water in the pot is drained out.

After your Kratom plant grows well, you need to wait for a year to complete before harvesting.

Hope the above tips combined with your hard work and a little luck, would give you the pleasure to grow a Kratom plant for your own self and harvest it as you wish.