The content strategy zodiac

What your sign says about your word work

Sarah M. Smart
5 min readApr 15, 2020

Aries, March 21–April 19

You’re the beginning of the zodiac, so you get it started in here. You might be the first writer at your startup or the first UX writing hire at a huge company that should’ve known better. You’re not afraid to work in the design file—if only someone will share it with you. This sign drives the projects and starts the Airtable. You are furious when you’re not invited to the meeting.

Famous Aries: Ron Bronson, Andrea Drugay

Taurus, April 20–May 20

You never saw a deadline you didn’t meet. You always deliver what you promise, so shifting project requirements and dead-end microcopy that never sees the light of day present a problem for you. You give stakeholders a good feeling as a steady, dependable design partner, if a tad inflexible. You’re the first one to get drunk at the office happy hour.

Famous Taurus: Keri Maijala

Gemini, May 21–June 20

You might be a content strategist, a researcher, a project manager, a UX writer, or a combination of these, depending on the day. Versatile and quick, you can join a project and get up to speed right away. You work to build strong one-on-one relationships with your design partners, but you also love to gossip, so maybe keep your mouth shut at the offsite?

Famous Gemini: Eda Yu

Cancer, June 21–July 22

Cancers make great UX writers. Your intuitive, expressive words connect with users. String inspiration can come from anywhere for you, so keep your eyes open, and don’t delete your drafts. You like to get right down to business, so pleasantries and team-building can make you roll your eyes. You hate marketing.

Famous Cancer: Kerry-Anne Gilowey, Vidhika Bansal

Leo, July 23–August 22

Content is king, they say, and so are you. The only reason you learned how to use GitHub was so you could directly edit in-app error messages. You were born to lead a team of word workers, and you have the big ideas to inspire them. You’re the only person with any energy in the 3pm meeting, and you have at least 4 work spouses and 2 content strategy crushes.

Famous Leo: Veronica Camara

Virgo, August 23–September 22

Information architecture is your passion. A website redesign is where you really excel, but every content strategy task could benefit from your planning and organization skills. If you don’t find time to relax regularly, your perfectionism can stall projects, delay shipments, and seriously annoy people around you. You’re the only one on the team who knows how to use Acrolinx.

Famous Virgo: Saskia Videler

Libra, September 23–October 22

You might not even consider yourself a content person because your title probably doesn’t match your work—or your pay grade. You’re the one opening your laptop after 9pm, sending your colleagues a flurry of messages that will greet them in the morning. You’re prone to bursts of inspiration that don’t respect work-life balance. It might look like you’re not doing any work for weeks on end. But one fateful morning, your teammates will be impressed by the 268 possible value propositions you came up with the night before, won’t they?

Famous Libra: Becky at Dockwa

Scorpio, October 23–November 21

You don’t let little things like technical constraints or approved design patterns get in your way, and you’re always up to debate with anyone who tells you no. The limits of working for a large corporation frustrate you, so startups are where you feel you can make the most impact. You can get carried away with adding “delight” into the designs; not all users share your sense of humor. It’s OK to cry at work.

Famous Scorpio: Diana Oum

Sagittarius, November 22–December 21

You’re a pro at aligning stakeholders, so maybe you’re a terminologist or on a centralized team. You could also do well consulting. You love to lead whiteboarding sessions and evangelize the power of effective writing, but if design and product partners don’t respect your expertise, well, that’s their loss. “I’ll noodle on that” is something you say out loud at least twice a day.

Famous Sagittarius: Ashley Goodrich

Capricorn, December 22–January 19

You know about process, and you’re obsessed with governance. And you know your projects won’t succeed without them. You never have to ask for the prototype link more than once. You enjoy process-ifying social interactions, too, so you put walks, chats, and coffee breaks on other people’s calendars. You remember everyone’s name at the content strategy meetup.

Famous Capricorn: Natalie Rohrer, Tina O’Shea

Aquarius, January 20–February 18

Nobody understands you, which presents a problem in this field. That’s why you work so hard to strengthen your communication skills. You have a slide deck for everything, from design principles to value props. Style guide or no, you don’t adhere strictly to guidelines because your use case is always special. Your meeting tic is critiquing a design with, “If I were a user…”

Famous Aquarius: Jess Sattell, Brandon Gordon

Pisces, February 19–March 20

Dictionaries be damned, you’re following your gut on that word choice. You write microcopy that could certainly be called “interesting,” and you frequently check the content standards or style only after you finalize a piece of content. You’re efficient, making connections and leaps of logic to get things done rather than doing them methodically. You suck at killing your darlings.

Famous Pisces: Ada Powers, Andy Welfle, yours truly



Sarah M. Smart

word person | flimsy femme | all opinions and profanity my own