Credit, Set, Go!!! Day 1

Our experiment to find out if Behavioral Economic Theories can be applied to help people improve their credit score

Sarah Nadav
ART + marketing
2 min readSep 11, 2016


Improving your finances is a marathon, but raising your credit score can be done in a sprint. Credit scores often feel like a fixed number but they are actually an ever changing update and reflection of our financial behavior.

It is our behavior, not our wealth which is being measured.

The solution then is clear, make behavioral changes and your credit score will change.

At Civilize, know how to raise people’s credit score- but the key is actually keeping people engaged long enough to see results.

So we used behavioral economics to created the single most super fun way to deal with your credit score.

Super fun? Skeptical? Click through to our sign up page to see what I mean.

The name Credit, Set, Go! was chosen because we use a “sprint” format. We call each session a “Heat” and they start every Sunday. We combine daily email and mobile reminders which lead people through quick tasks that should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete.

This project began one day when Alex (a Civilize team member) and I were meeting and I decided to walk because I got one of those fitness apps which reminds me on a daily basis what a fat, lazy slob I am. I literally hate it because I feel like it shames me on a daily basis.

We were lamenting the tech app culture of shaming people into good behaviors when we decided to create a credit boosting program but to make it a “virtuous cycle”. Everyday there is task and a mobile check-in, and everyday there is an easter egg. The catch is, that they are different depending on whether the task gets done or not.

Did we manage to create the most super fun way to improve your credit score? We think so. Today is the first day or the first heat, so we will let you know how it goes. If you want to see for yourself, sign up and be an early beta tester.

“Credit, Set, Go!” is an experiment, our beta testers are our guinea pigs. (you’ll get it when you click through)

“Credit, Set, Go!” is a creation of the team at Civilize, we eliminate fraudulent debts & end harassment from debt collectors.



Sarah Nadav
ART + marketing

Behavioral Economist, Corporate Storyteller, Fintech Entrepreneur, Journalist, World Economic Forum Expert Network