Being Hard On Yourself? Try This

Sarah Papp
2 min readApr 21, 2023


I want to talk about the importance of embracing recovery in all aspects of our lives, not just physically.

As part of the glory that is personhood, it can be SO easy to fall into the trap of thinking we’re not doing enough or that we’re not good enough.

That’s where “ego recovery” comes in.

Our ego can take over and drive our every thought, often telling us things like “not enough” or “I made a mistake”.
This kind of thinking can make us feel inadequate or even worse, fearful of being seen as better than others.

We need to nourish our minds and spirits to return to a state of knowing that everything is good.

Some of the most effective ways to do this (in my experience)? Positive self-talk and self-compassion.

💕 When you feel your ego rearing its head, try to think of the kindest thing you can tell yourself in that moment. Remember, your Inner Being is always kind, even when your ego is not.
💕 Be your own coach and ask yourself what someone cheering you on would say to you.
💕 And finally, imagine that everything is working in your favor and say to yourself what you would say in that situation.

Don’t be discouraged if you don’t feel an immediate emotional difference. These practices take practice!

Keep reaching for kind things to say to yourself and you’ll start to feel more compassionate towards yourself and more aligned with your higher self.

Let’s embrace recovery in all senses, and remember to be kind to ourselves along the way.



Sarah Papp

Master Certified Life Coach * Leadership and Performance Coach * Lead with Heart, Live with Ease