Five Network Marketing Tips For Beginners

4 min readJun 19, 2019

Are you having the level of success that you want with your mlm company? I am going to share with you five network marketing tips for beginners. Chances are really good that you are not doing these things currently.

Tip #1 Be honest and genuine when it comes to sharing your network marketing opportunity with others. The truth is good enough. When I was first starting out I was worried that nobody would join my team because I had no experience with network marketing and I wasn’t making any money yet. When I would talk to my friends and family I would tell them how easy it was gong to be and how they were going to be in the top ranks of the company in a very short time. I told them that they didn’t need any special skills because they were just going to be “sharing” information with people. In my defense, I was being ethical and honest because I truly believed that. However, that did not end up being the case. They did not advance with the company in a short period of time. It is way better to under promise and over deliver. Explain that it may take several years to build the foundation and learn the skills. Even if it takes ten years is it worth the time and effort for your prospect to build a network marketing company? When you are honest about the time that will be involved and the new skills that will need to be learned it actually reinforces that mlm is in fact a legitimate business. In addition, you will not have team members quit when it takes longer or is harder than they thought it would be.

Tip #2 Do not bug your friends and family about your mlm opportunity. I was so excited about the company I had joined and the products I was selling that I talked about it constantly. I looked for ways to slip it into all of my conversations and I made sure to let all of my friends, family members, and even strangers know how well I was doing. It didn’t end up helping me grow my downline and it actually ended up costing me friendships. I was just super annoying. If you are building your business online and on social media that same rule applies. Posting about how great the view from your “office” is and how great you feel now that you are using “xyz” is super spammy. When you do that you become a gigantic infomercial. People come to social media to be entertained not to be pitched to.

Tip #3 Your product and your opportunity are not for everyone. Identify your target audience. Who do you want to go on vacation with? What types of people do you like to hang out with? What specific person could benefit from using your products? Be very specific and detailed about who your ideal team member and customer is.

Tip #4 You are not the boss. You can lead and inspire. However, you can’t force anybody to build their mlm team. If you think that they are doing it the “wrong” way you can offer suggestions, but don’t tell them that their way is wrong and won’t work. Let your actions show your team members how to build their network marketing teams. Building a team of distributors and customers is not a numbers game. Set your team members up for success by training them. What can you offer that will be of value to your new team members. When new team members join my downline they have access to all of my trainings, funnels, and lead gen. products and I teach them how they can use them to generate income immediately. Your job is to support and encourage. Your job is not to force them or boss them around.

Tip #5 Listen to the other person. I am sure that you have probably heard this before : “You have two ears and one mouth”. Whether it is a new team member or a prospect, your number one job should be to listen to them. What are their pain points? How can you help them solve their problems. This has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them. Become a problem solver. What can you do to make their life easier? Train your new distributors, encourage them, warn them so that they can avoid making the same mistakes you did, and celebrate their wins with them.




I am marketing success coach for network marketers. Join with others and take the Twenty Day MLM Momentum Challenge