Sarah Roark
1 min readNov 14, 2017


Holy crap.

I emailed GR a warning (with written evidence to back it up, no less) about years-old sexual harassment and misogyny in early April as well, and I’m pretty sure you didn’t proofread any of MY emails. So there were other women reporting in April? About the exactly same talent search that made me go “oh hell no no no, they’re not throwing industry newcomers into that guy’s lap, I have to tell them about him”…!?

That really, really puts the lie to their current claims that all they had any inkling of was some minor dried-up old hag’s personal grudge from years back (by which I had assumed they meant me, but MAYBE NOT). -_- Jeezus.

And I’m very, very sorry for your personal experience. But I am glad to see that you are using that experience to speak up for other victims. Thanks.



Sarah Roark

Hollering into the void with more than occasional smartassity.