How can we create a healthy and sustainable diet?

Sarah Strickler
5 min readApr 6, 2019


What if I told you that by choosing to eat sustainably you could help combat global warming — and become healthier in the process? With the problem of global warming, it can be daunting to even think about how to tackle the gigantic environmental challenge. We often look to energy efficiency and think about things like driving or water usage. I know before researching this topic I rarely thought about my food choice impacting global warming. I never imagined the amount of resources that go into eating a burger, or the amount of rainforests being destructed to produce palm oil — an ingredient that’s in almost everything we consume (from soap to cookies). While it’s important to consider all the ways we can help combat global warming, a simple way to start is by looking at what’s on your plate.

I have a background in researching antibiotic alternatives for livestock , and have compiled the best studies, films, books, and interviews into this zine which features handmade data visualizations, graphics, worksheets, and resources to help you rethink your food choices and live a healthier and more sustainable life. In the near future I’ll offer a print version, but for now I wanted to present the whole zine in this digital form!

You have so much power as one individual. By choosing to eat more consciously, and teach your family and friends about these practices you can make a difference in your own health, and the health of the environemnt. It can be simple actions like choosing to eat less meat (or even chicken over beef because it takes less resources), changing to plant based protein sources that provide the most sustainable food options (like lentils, tempeh, or tofu), and checking the back of a food label to see what’s inside. You may not think that you can make a policy level change, but it’s amazing the influence consumers can have on large companies by reaching out. Do you see a habit you don’t like in company (i.e. they use palm oil in their almond butters)? It can be as simple as reaching out to them over social media. If enough customers want to see a change, it becomes much more likely the business will change — remember to vote with your dollar. Every decision to buy something is like a “vote” for the company. Do you agree with how they conduct business?

If you’ve got any ideas, I’d love to connect! You can reach me here:

Take care + happy eating,




Sarah Strickler

Interaction design student passionate about health, sustainable food, and co-design — find me at