Wiser Action for Uncertain Times

Many of the complex challenges we face today resemble existential crises rather than technical problems. So how can we act with more wisdom in these profoundly uncertain times?

Sarah Taylor, PhD
4 min readMar 10, 2018


We experience an existential crisis when our worldview proves incapable of handling unexpected life experiences. As individuals, we may experience an existential crisis at a turning point or extreme life event that leads us to question the meaning of our human existence. I believe we are currently living through a collective existential crisis. The signs of this crisis are everywhere – from climate change, species extinction and terrorism to loneliness and addictions. The common denominator with each of these seemingly disparate problems is the human element. Our way of thinking, being and doing has led to the complex challenges we now face.

Einstein famously said we cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them. So, our challenges present a gift – they force us to confront the diminishing returns of our current worldview and require us to transform our ways of relating to each other and our environment.

Deminishing Returns of a Mechanistic Worldview



Sarah Taylor, PhD

I share practical insights from the art and science of human flourishing to help people optimise their wellbeing, energy and performance.