Virgin Fucked on the Couch

Sara Hazel
4 min readSep 25, 2022


I used to lie in bed for hours, just letting my fingers trace my pussy lips. I thought that if I plunged my fingers into my tunnel I’d somehow violate the sacredness of my sex. I’d been taught to be ashamed of my pleasure, and to save it all for making babies.

But I always knew there was more to sex than making babies. I knew that if I let myself get fucked, I’d feel something wonderful. It was a secret, a delicious secret that I kept hidden in the back of my mind. My fingers made me feel good, but they were only a pale, pale substitute for the real thing.

Once I started college, I became obsessed with touching myself. I would sometimes sit in the back of the class and touch myself, bringing myself to a quiet orgasm in the middle of some boring lecture.

I would have to go back to my dorm room and masturbate again so I could be louder, because I was so wet and horny. I would think about my next class, and how I would have to spend the whole time sitting in my seat, trying to keep my legs together and hoping that no one could smell my pussy juices.

I also became obsessed with sex itself. I would spend hours in the library, reading up on various fetishes and sexual fantasies. I knew that I had to find the perfect man, the one who would make me feel complete. I wanted to get fucked, and fucked good. And then I’d go find another perfect man to fuck me. And then give some of the not so perfect men a chance to fuck me. I just wanted to be fucked by anyone and everyone, to be honest. All this perfect man bullshit was just me trying to tell myself that I wasn’t going to be an absolute slut and just fuck everyone right away.

But no matter how hard I tried, I could never find anyone who really turned me on. I wanted a guy who would take me hard, who would just ravish my body and make no apologies about how hard he was taking me.

And then one night I was at a party, and I was too tired to walk home. So, I stayed at the host’s apartment and slept on the couch. In the early hours of the morning, the host’s roommate came home and when he saw me asleep on his couch — he took full advantage.

I woke up with fingers inside of me and hot breath on my face. I wasn’t prepared to have this happen in that moment, and I wanted to scream. Yes, it was what I had wanted, but I had no control over it at all. I was being taken and I wasn’t being given a choice. In my obsessive fantasies, I had failed to reason that having such a thing could happen and would necessitate me having no power or control.

But as I laid there, I surrendered myself completely. I moaned as he pushed his fingers into my pussy, and I gasped as he pulled his hand away. I arched my back and got wetter and wetter as he pulled my panties off completely.

He climbed on top of me, and forced his thick cock into my pussy. I tried to fight it at first, but the more he pushed, the more I pushed back, until I was letting him fuck me with everything I had. He held my legs wide apart, and I reveled in the ripples of pleasure that went through my body every time he thrust into my pussy.

The whole thing was a blur, but I remember that it felt so good that I couldn’t believe it. I would never have thought that a pussy could feel so good, but mine sure did. I opened my legs wider and wider, letting him fuck me harder and harder. I was moaning and screaming, and I could feel my orgasm building.

I screamed with pleasure as I came all over his cock, but he was nowhere near finished. He kept going and going, fucking me harder and harder until I was begging for more. I asked him to slow down. It felt so good, but I didn’t want to go through that much pain. I thought maybe slower and more gentle would help me take it longer…

But he ignored me and fucked me harder, until he finally came inside of me, spraying my insides.

“If I ever see you on this couch again, I’m going to take you again. If you’re on this couch, you’re mine,” he said.

“It’s a deal,” I whispered.

For the rest of my college career, I slept on that couch as often as I could. And just as he had promised, he made me his every time I did. I did this even after I found a boyfriend. Because I may look innocent, but I’m actually a bad girl who loves to take as much cock as she can…



Sara Hazel

Sara Kat is a writer of erotica and romance. You can find her erotic romance books on Amazon where she publishes as bestselling author Sara Hazel.