Netiquetting 101

Sara Khosh
3 min readJan 27, 2017


The internet is one of the biggest technological advancements of our time. It lets people connect and share information daily. High-speed internet only became accessible to the general public in the 2000’s. This allowed for opinionated posts, social media, internet-work life, and online schooling. The internet culture is relatively new and one that we must all understand if we want to better take advantage of the resources available to us. Netiquette (online etiquette) is important for maintaining a healthy online image. Here are some things to remember:

  1. What you put online, stays online. Remember that anything you post online will be seen by anyone who visits that particular website. Don’t share unnecessary or personal information.
source: Thokamaer

2. Be polite. Sometimes being protected behind a screen sanctions us to cyber abuse. Be respectful and treat others the way you would want to be treated in an online community.

Source: Mashable

3. Stay on topic. Make sure whatever you’re posting is relevant to the website. No one wants to see a post about cameras on a dishwasher forum. It’s misleading for people who are looking to gain valuable information and experience from others.

4. Don’t take credit for the work of others. Follow copyright rules and make sure to give credit where credit is due. Whether on a website or a social media site, it’s cruel to copy other people’s work. Don’t repost something that was already said on a forum.

Source: Mobcup

5. Don’t make fake profiles. It’s self-explanatory why! Identity theft is no joke. You might not get into legal problems on Instagram but you’ll definitely get arrested anywhere money is involved.

6. Express yourself. Feel free to voice your opinion as long as it’s within the boundaries of the website. The internet gives people a voice to reach millions of others. If you think an idea will have a market, then start that Youtube page you’ve always wanted.

7. Personal branding. The internet is the greatest marketing tool available at your fingertips. Branding a product or a business or even yourself can be crucial to online success.

These are just some of the rules of engagement on the internet. ie. netiquette. Don’t be that annoying person who ruins it for the rest of us. Use the internet to your advantage. Remember that previous generations weren’t given the same luxuries. Don’t endlessly surf your life away.

Source: Giphy

