10 Word Story Challenge

Sara Larca
1 min readJul 12, 2022
This post has absolutely nothing to do with Elephants. I didn’t have time to do a drawing and I just love them so much. That’s Sally on the right, she’s my soul sister.

note: This is a new writing challenge started by Sheri Jacobs in this post of hers.
Thank you Lo Everlasting for nominating me to write 5, 10 word stories! I love a good challenge!!

I have no idea what I’m doing lol, but I tried to keep it Earthly related lol :

  1. The dark forrest called out to her, and she answered.

2. Flowers grew wild and free, until that fateful day arrived.

3. Wind whistled in the night, the birds fluttered with unrest.

4. Their glasses were no match for the sun, squinting ensued.

5. Droplets of rain hit the tin roof, another sleepless night.

I hearby nominate (I’ve always wanted to say that!!)

Mike Butler

RN Manchester

Colette Langley

John Ramos

Jenny Lane

Have fun! Can’t wait to see what you come up with!

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Copyright © 2022 by Sara Larca. All Rights Reserved



Sara Larca

Just trying to thrive in life; one photo, drawing and story at a time.