Blog post #1— The Author

Sara Noiman
2 min readMay 1, 2020


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When deciding which author I wanted to share for my final , I thought about all that I have learnt from the other authors and I wanted to shed light on something that not a lot of people know about. The genre I chose was spirituality, and the author I chose for this was Rhonda Byrne. She is From Australia and is the author of the best selling novel ‘The Secret’ and ‘The Magic’, which sold over 4 million copies over a 6 month period (Canfield, Jack). Rhonda's main idea is to promote the law of attraction. She does this by giving us daily teachings that help to lead your life in the direction that you want it. She opens up about how she gets to this point in her life, expressing a dark time in her life about when her father had died and she had lost all hope but came across a book that opened her eyes to a more spiritual awaking. This got her to the point of writing things that were positive in her life and how in effect that brought her daily affirmations. Using the law of attraction she brought herself up from that sad stage in her life and decided to share that with the rest of the world and became an instant success.(Canfield, Jack).

The authors book. google images
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Rhonda's most famous book is The secret, so many people in the world have read this book and changed their lives for the better. This book is very special to me because of the fact that it was passed down to me from my mother. Its a brilliant read and has changed my mindset and the way I lead in life. This is another reason why I chose to speak about this author because its not just her writing that can merely inspire you its the daily teachings she provides from those texts that really make you want to see life in a totally different way.

