That’s my mind in an average moment of an average day (or night) of my life.

Hi . . .

I’m Saran Roy, a very serious guy.

I consider myself a critical thinker. Because thinking with all that ‘sap’ inside becomes really critical for me. Haha.

And that’s a joke I crack at myself…

… alone… in a corner… with some blank pages and…

No, no, not that sad story again! Sappy sappy! Wait, I mean happy! Yeah!

Deep breath, whew… Okay, let’s go again.

Hi, I’m Saran, a regular guy from a regular corner of the Universe.

I don’t have a prestigious academic qualification. In other words, I'm a graduate in Civil Engineering. But let's not talk about that anymore.

I don’t have a mind-blowing athletic background, because being an introvert I never got out of home as a kid should.

I don’t have a seven-figure income in dollars, because that’s still in the oven.

All I have is a (over)thinking mind, a great pattern-recognition ability, and time — plenty of it.

And that’s what makes me either depressed or a writer.

I’ve tried the first one but didn’t like it that much to be honest. So, I prefer the latter one nowadays.

Still not bored? Ok, I'll try harder :

If I had to brag about myself, I’d say that I’ve built a freelance business from scratch and became self-employed, because I never liked the concept of a job. I’d also say that I have skills in design, programming, music, marketing, etc.

I may also add that I love cycling, boxing, and calisthenics, and I’m a lean vegetarian. But I won’t say any of it.

Because first, I don’t like to brag (of course!)

And second, I achieved all those things only within the last 3 to 5 years.

Saying all these will only paint a picture of a perfect person in your mind, whatever that is. But I am abso-freakin-lutely not that.

• I still put-up work to do it later, and stress out at the end.

• I still binge watch web series from time to time.

• I still drag myself to the bottom with cheap pleasures when I’m stressed.

I still somewhere am (and maybe always will be) that lazy-egoistic-introvert, no matter what I achieve in this world.

And I’m sappy with that.

So, I write about the things I figure out every day to break free from my own struggles — trying to make something better out of it.

And I write about those new struggles I invent with every “figuring out.”

You know what?

The only skill I really do love to brag about is my skill of failing over and over.

Because that’s the only reason I know what I know and can do what I do now.

Thus, I’d like to end this sappy piece (full of sap, full of energy, silly, or overly sentimental — whichever you felt it like) with one of my favorite poetry pieces.

I wrote this one when I realized how important losing is for me:

A Letter to My Failures

To, my failures, Thank you, As you showed me How to succeed.

You sprouted the seed, Inside of me, And forced it, To be a blossoming tree.

The world may see you, As a defeat of mine, But I know, without you, I would've had a crippled spine.

So, failures, I thank you, For you're not an obstacle, But a mountain to climb, For the world to see me shine.

You never came when I’m happy, Now stay with me as I cry. As that's you who reminds me Why, after all, should I.

So now I halt and try To thank you from my heart, And see you soon again, my friend, Near the end of the line.

— May 2021 Thank you for wasting your time here.

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Saran Roy ↴

Saran Roy ↴

I hate writing. But I do it anyway.