Coffee: The best and cheapest pre-workout

Saransh Bansal
3 min readJun 4, 2020

If you are looking for a cheap and natural pre-workout, a cup of coffee is all you need. Coffee, the best and cheapest pre workout available as it contains a significant amount of caffeine. There are several benefits of having coffee as a pre-workout. This is even more effective if you are doing an early morning workout on an empty stomach.

Why Coffee is the best and cheapest pre workout?

Like other pre-workout supplements in the market, coffee also contains a high amount of caffeine. Another thing is that it is much cheaper and all-natural unlike supplements. Coffee is as good as other expensive pre-workout supplements especially if you are a beginner in bodybuilding.

These factors make it the best and cheapest pre workout but only if you use it efficiently.

When should you take it before a workout?

Studies show that elevated levels of caffeine can appear in the bloodstream within 15-45 minutes of consumption. The peak concentrations of caffeine hits at about one hour post ingestion. After one hour, the effects of caffeine starts reducing so it is good to start your workout right after 45 min of drinking coffee.

What amount should you take?

Take about 3-4 milligrams of caffeine per kilogram of body weight. That means a 60 kg person would need 180-240 mg of caffeine before workout.

Be sure that your caffeine consumption remains under 400 mg in a day, according to Mayo Clinic’s recommendations. You have to keep a count on your caffeine intake. There can be some harmful effects also if you go beyond the limits.

Benefits of coffee as a pre-workout:

Accelerates fat loss

One of the best benefit of having coffee as a pre-workout is its fat burning properties. Coffee, when consumed before workout, can cause fat cells to be used as an energy source as opposed to glycogen.

The high amount of caffeine present in coffee helps increases your metabolism, which further helps in burning more calories throughout the day.

Also, caffeine and other compounds found in coffee act as an appetite suppressant, making you consume fewer calories overall.

Boosts performance

Caffeine has been shown to improve the capacity of trained athletes when performing an anaerobic exercise. A study was done on athletes with 4 mg/kg of caffeine before workout showed a significant increase in performance for the chest press.

Several studies have shown that having caffeine before workout increased athletic performance. According to a report published in Sports Medicine, mentions that “athletes can train with more power and for a longer time after consuming caffeine.”

Coffee improves focus in your workout

High caffeine presents in the coffee act as a stimulant for our brain. Caffeine stimulates the CNS(Central Nervous System) and increases blood flow. This helps your mind to focus and body to push harder in your workout. Caffeine also helps in maintaining better mind-muscle connection while performing an exercise.

Reduces muscle pain

Researchers at the University of Illinois found that people who consumed coffee before workout experienced less muscle pain during their workout than their non-caffeinated counterparts.

Heidi Skolnik, M.S., a sports nutritionist says “Coffee can also increase the release of feel-good neurotransmitters like dopamine, which effects pain receptors and mood” while you working out.

So because of all these benefits, coffee is one of the best and cheapest pre-workout. But there are some harmful effects too if you are consuming high dosage. So it is better to take it in moderation.

Having coffee before workout is not sufficient. Your body still needs an adequate amount of macro-nutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and fats) to provide fuel through the entire workout. So add coffee as a pre-workout in addition to your pre-workout meal, not in place of it

