Packed Circle chart in Tableau

4 min readSep 22, 2023


A packed circle chart is the chart where many circles share the common base but different radius. These can be thought as an alternative to the conventional bar charts that we use.

Here is what a circle with common base looks like .

Packed Circle Chart

Let us see how to create the amazing radial chart .

For this, I am using the sample superstore dataset.

Let’s create an excel sheet with data as shown below in the image and name it as path. Since it is a circle the path starts at 0 and ends at 360.

Let’s begin by connecting to the sample superstore dataset. From the sample superstore, let’s drag the order sheet to the data source pane. Next, add a new connection and add the path excel sheet.

For creating this chart we will use joins. Click on “Create Relationship Calculation” for both the sheets and enter ‘1’. This will create a cross-database join between the order sheet and path sheet.

This join densifies the data and this will double the number of rows.

Once the two sheets are joined then go to Sheet. Right-click on the path and create bins and set bin size as 1.

Create calculated field ‘Index’ to add values for the densified points.

Create a calculated field to calculate the total sales across the sub categories as Sales Value Per Sub-Category.

Create a calculated field as Max Value. For this am using Window _Max function.

Create two more calculated fields for the X and Y points.

With all our calculated fields in place lets bring them into respective place so that we have our desired chart in place. Bring X to Columns , Y to Rows and calculated both of them against path.

Change the chart type to ‘Polygon’ under the Marks label. Add ‘Path(bin)’ field to ‘Path’ under marks card.

This is what your screen should be looking like now:

Add subcategories to the color in the Marks card. Sort the subcategories by “Sales Value Per Sub-Category”.

The output of the above step will change the visualization like below.

In order to add the labels Sales value by each Sub category in this visualization. I added another ‘Y’ calculated field to the rows and changed it to a line chart.

Make it as a Dual Axis Chart and add ‘Sub Category’ and ‘SUM(Sales)’ to the label in the line chart .Remove the axis and grid lines and your packed circle chart is ready.


Finally, we got our Packed Circle Chart ready to show the number of sales for the sub-category in our Sample Superstore dataset. Hope you guys enjoyed this!!


