Thoughts on our most recent investment in DPOrganizer

Sara Resvik
2 min readNov 28, 2017


“Getting GDPR compliant is fun and easy” — said no one ever. Until DPOrganizer launched their product. Today, we are happy to announce our lead investment in DPOrganizer’s recent €3 million round.

DPOrganizer is a data protection management software created by privacy professionals, for privacy professionals. With the GDPR regulation coming into effect on May 25th 2018 — less than 6 months away — DPOrganizer helps companies get compliant in time for the new regulation.

After May, most businesses handling personal data involving EU-citizens will have to keep up-to-date records of their personal data processing. This includes what data you process, how, where, which sub-contractors that are involved and how you safeguard the data. Companies will also have to be able to report and communicate this to customers, other businesses and supervisory authorities.

DPOrganizer’s SaaS-solution not only helps businesses get compliant, it also helps greatly with simplifying communication and collaboration with others in the long-term.

At Industrifonden, we think a lot about how privacy in the digital world will look like in the future. So what is the future of online privacy? One conclusion is that retaining customers in the future will be about maintaining consumers’ trust. In doing so, consumers must know that you are handling their data responsibly. The GDPR market is expected to grow very fast, driven by the urgent need for GDPR compliance. Today, an estimated 92% of relevant companies in Europe are not prepared for GDPR.

In every product, company and team that we invest in, we always look for a ‘wow’ factor. Being able to change a customer’s mindset from boring and have-to-do to something that will create value is something very few companies do well. DPOrganizer is one of the few. The strong product focus, the excellence of DPOrganizer’s team and the pace with which they are growing their business continues to set them apart. DPOrganizer are on their way to achieve something big.

Cecilia Bratt, CMO, Lelle Chryssantander, CCO, me, Egil Bergenlind, CEO.

We are humbled and excited to join DPOrganizer on their journey. The team is expanding so go here to learn more about their open positions.

For more on today’s announcement, head past Industrifonden’s website.



Sara Resvik

Investing for Nordic VC Industrifonden. Excited about marketplaces, great products and diversity.