Does the Microservices and Kubernetes Hype Lead to a Greener Future?

4 min readApr 25, 2024


All are talking about Microservices and Kubernetes. Are we on the right track, or can we use microservices?

Microservices and Kubernetes have become marketing trends nowadays. Many new developers and companies are revisiting them. My point is, we should think and analyze them carefully, not just from a technical standpoint. We should approach this pragmatically. Here’s the real meaning.

  1. Microservices: I’m not going to explain about Microservices or design patterns here. You can find plenty of explanations on the web.

2. Anti-patterns: When we are learning Microservices, we should also know about the anti-patterns. Check out some of these anti-patterns; this is a nice reference.

3. After referring to anti-patterns, maybe you should end up with the Reactive Manifesto. This is a good beginning.

4. After referring to all of the above, if you’re still considering Microservices, then here are my suggestions:

  1. Ensure the appropriate allocation of resources and teams, including both developers and DevOps personnel.
  2. Select projects based on their usability and usage requirements.
  3. Choose the right technology stack.

5.Before thinking about right technology we should consider one major point

Consider the future and maintainability. Choose a stack that can address the majority of current monolith and microservices challenges.

If you want to learn more, I suggest taking a look at the Lightbend Reactive Architecture course.

6. Only then should you consider selecting a specific stack.

Every one start with spring boot with java kotlin support .

And some major stack in industry:

  1. Spring Boot / Spring Boot with Spring Cloud
  2. Eclipse Vert.X
  3. Oracle Helidon
  4. GoMicro
  5. Molecular
  6. Quarkus
  7. Micronaut
  8. Lightbend Lagom
  9. AxonIQ
  10. Ballerina
  11. DropWizard
  12. Eclipse MicroProfile

7. But consider exploring something new for Java and Scala enthusiasts.

Apache Pekko / Akka — Actor Pattern

Scala Zio

Scala Cats

8. When deploying microservices, the first point to consider is Kubernetes. If your team is proficient in Kubernetes, you can install and configure it on any cloud platform.

Another technology for message-driven architecture is Kafka.

If you prefer not to handle the above portion, leave it to the cloud providers. You can then opt for managed services. Head ache here is cost management.

Let’s have a look

9. The era has indeed shifted towards managed instances, embracing a Zero Ops philosophy. This approach is the real hero of modern infrastructure. Let’s explore further.

10 . If you write your code effectively for small and medium businesses, Kubernetes might not be necessary. Despite the hype, many companies are not interested in Kubernetes.

11.The emerging and future trend is green software, focusing on developing applications that use fewer resources while remaining effective. From my perspective, Rust programming holds promise in this regard. Additionally, AI-assisted coding is gaining traction and has significant potential.

If you’re interested in delving deeper into the topic, I recommend reading more about Green Software Development.

11. Carbon aware Kubernetes. This is another reference

Conclusion : the hype surrounding Microservices and Kubernetes prompts us to consider their implications for a greener future. While these technologies offer scalability and flexibility, we must approach their adoption with careful consideration. Understanding anti-patterns and aligning with the principles of the Reactive Manifesto can guide us in making informed decisions. Prioritizing resource allocation, project selection, and technology stack choices is essential, with a focus on future maintainability. Exploring newer options for Java and Scala enthusiasts can also be beneficial. Additionally, while Kubernetes remains a popular choice for deployment, there’s room to leverage managed services and embrace a Zero Ops philosophy. However, it’s crucial to recognize that not all companies may find Kubernetes necessary, especially if they prioritize effective code for small to medium businesses. Looking ahead, the emergence of green software development and technologies like Rust programming and AI-assisted coding offer promising avenues for reducing resource consumption while maintaining effectiveness. To delve deeper into this topic, further exploration of green software development practices and carbon-aware technologies is recommended. Ultimately, by considering the environmental impact of our technology choices, we can contribute to building a more sustainable future.

Thanks you …. Enjoy reading …

