Who dances better — A man or a woman!?

Last bench Sadhaka
3 min readFeb 10, 2024


When it comes to dancing it requires some grace, flexibility and involvement and of course the steps or techiques isn’t it? A man might get everything except for grace. Grace for dance is not very natural for most men. I always believed its always women who dance better than men.

So without much expectation I started watching the boys’ garba. Not bad. A few were dancing decently. And I noticed one guy, generally will pass on unnoticed in any other situation was dancing WELL. One shouldn’t compare him with the professional dancers. In that sense, he was dancing well. Don’t think anyone would have noticed him except for me because I was the only one who was judging these dancers. He seemed to be in his late twenties, average height and weight and with a regular Indian face. He must be dancing in garba every year I guess. He got his movements right, the pause, and the resume. There were a few adopting to his movements and he was able to take them into his movements and make it look graceful. I believed him to be a bachelor to dance happily like this.

While I was watching the dance, I could sense there was a lady standing behind me was also watching the dance. Since they were standing behind me, I didn’t realise there was a young boy with her. Later I saw that the boy was around 6 years old. After a few minutes the dancing guy started walking towards us. When he came close, the boy with that lady shouted at him saying, “papa I took a photo of you dancing.”

I come from a culture where men dancing is not common. It’s a women’s thing. Men are supposed to be strong and probably rigid! How can you dance if you are rigid in your body and mind? Tough in many ways I’ve come out those ideas, but the memory is still there which doesn’t allow me to simply dance. It was very interesting to see this guy dancing so naturally.

The society that I grew up in, married men dancing… Oh, no chance. One should give importance to their children. Once you become a father, the appropriate thing is, you make your child dance, encourage him, appreciate him and be proud of it. You don’t dance. But this guy was different. He came and saw the picture and went back to dance. Probably it occurred to him a bit later. Again he came back and asked his son if he also wants to dance. The boy joined him for a few minutes but didn’t enjoy it. His wife paid no attention to his dancing after a few minutes. She took the child and went for shopping. But this guy went on dancing happily.

I thought I should write about it. I wanted to take a picture of him to attach with this. But I felt it is good for him to remain unnoticed. When unnoticed it’s easier to be just soaked in the real self.



Last bench Sadhaka

I write what impacts me positively for the benefit of the readers hoping it will have the same impact on them.