Writing Exercise #3

2 min readOct 14, 2019


Intro : This site generates a random image with each click. I take that image as a seed for an idea and write something.

I am new here. It has been a couple of lunar months since I have been here. Understanding the locals, learning bits and pieces of their language, getting used to the food. Once I had to use the resting room and didn’t know where to go. That was when I met him. He was polite, explained the sign and pointed in the direction. After I was done, I asked him if he’d like a cup of coffee, as is customary in these parts. He agreed, he talked, I learnt, each tidbit more fascinating than the other. We kept meeting. I hoped he’d seen more about me than the outer appearance. One night he kissed my lips and I felt something happen inside me. Something I had never felt before. I only wanted to learn about the people and return home.

One night in bed, I told him my dilemma. He didn’t speak for a while. Next morning, he asked me to stay back. It would be difficult but not impossible. I loved him for that. I called home to inform that I wouldn’t be returning. There was silence on the other end and then the connection was lost. I kept messaging home that I was sorry but I was firm on my decision. Next evening, when we were walking on the streets hand in hand, I was absent-minded, he was trying to cheer me up. I felt a beep on my mobile device and before I could check it, my legs started to feel numb. I opened the phone as my body began to freeze into a rock. This is what I could read before my vision went black — In response to the forbidden act of involving oneself with an earthling..

