Sardinia Travel Guide — Everything to Know!

Sardinia Holiday
4 min readAug 25, 2022


Sardinia offers a particular perspective on the Mediterranean island experience while being unmistakably Italian and exhibiting a distinct regional character. In the Sardinia travel guide, you may get ideas related to the tourist attractions.

Sardinia travel guide

Its geographical location in the middle of North Africa’s coast and Italy’s has given it a mixed-race, fractured personality. It was “stranded between Europe and Africa, and belonging to nowhere,” in the words of D.H. Lawrence.
The Sard people really reject the urge to “belong” anywhere. Even though they embrace their common Italian culture, they are fiercely devoted to their island home with all of its variety, from the rocky headlands and isolated beaches on the coast to the wooded mountains and fragrant inner wilderness.

Best Time to Visit Sardinia

We advise avoiding August if at all possible if you’re seeking the ideal time to visit Sardinia. The drawbacks include oppressive heat, crowds, rising costs, frazzled tempers, and a lack of lodging. Although it may be oppressively hot in June, July, and September as well, the holiday rush of the peak weeks is unmatched.

Between May and October, you can expect to swim pleasantly at any time, and you won’t be viewed as very odd if you go swimming in the cold. Although the shorter daylight hours might restrict your freedom of movement, and you might find many amenities (including most campsites) closed, there are many benefits to visiting Sardinia in the winter. The weather can be pleasant and clear, and the tourist presence is often refreshingly low-key.

In the spring, when the countryside is at its liveliest, the air is clearest, and the wildlife is in abundance, some of the greatest festivals are held. This is also the best time of year to go for walks. Being outside during the autumn is equally inspirational, especially with the gradations of color on the interior wooded hills.

How to Go Sardinia?

By Plane

Flights from the UK on Ryanair, Tui, and EasyJet to Alghero, Olbia, and Cagliari are quite affordable. With fewer regular connections from smaller cities, there are several daily flights from the Italian mainland to the island’s airports from Rome, Milan, and Bologna. Ryanair, EasyJet, Air Italy, and Alitalia cover the majority of routes. One-way tickets from Milan to Alghero start at about €40.

By Ferry

Regular ferries go to Sardinia from the Italian mainland, Sicily, Corsica, and France all year long with Sardinia travel. For summer crossings, make reservations well in advance, especially if you have a vehicle or bicycle. By May, August sailings may be completely sold out. Depending on the route, prices in the busy season start at roughly €40 per person. The “Ponte” tickets cost the least and require deck sleeping. A recliner chair is included with more expensive tickets, and a bed costs an additional €45 or more. At the height of the season, a midsize automobile costs about €130. Watch out for special offers for a car with two or three additional passengers and discounts on return tickets purchased in advance within particular timeframes.

Sardinia travel

Cultural and Environmental Landmarks in Sardinia

Sardinia is a location where fresh discoveries and experiences are regularly made that aren’t usually described in travel guides. Visit Sardinia to see these wonderful locations:

  1. Sardinian Beaches

The variety of bathing areas throughout Sardinia’s coasts will satisfy even the pickiest beach lovers. There is something for everyone, from enduring favorites to scrubby hideaways in private coves to wild, dune-backed stretches stretching to the horizon. Sardinia offers some of the greatest beach vacations in all of Italy.

  1. Church Treasures

Sardinia is home to some very priceless works of medieval art, and you don’t even need to go to a gallery to view them. The exquisite altarpiece at San Pietro Apostolo, Chili, is well worth the trip.

  1. Rides and Drives

One of Sardinia’s greatest joys is its scenery, which is best enjoyed on extended, meandering treks into the mountainous interior. Favorite routes include those that pass through Gerrie, along Dorgali’s southern border, and west of Aggius.

  1. Isles of Wonder

The archipelago of La Maddalena, off the northeastern shore, is the most striking of the island’s subgroups. You may take boat cruises to explore the beautiful beaches and velvet waters; join a group or hire your own motor-dinghy.

Final Thoughts

The most aesthetically stunning city on the island is Cagliari, which is surrounded by lagoons and topped by an imposing ring of ancient walls with a Sardinia travel guide. The city has maintained its unique personality, giving swank refinement and ancient beauty in the maze of little streets jammed inside its fortified castle and harbor area.



Sardinia Holiday

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