Random Windows BSOD crashes and Intel 13700k 14700k CPU Degradation and BEDaisy.sys

Maksim Zadorskii
4 min read5 days ago


You might find this article if you are experiences crashes and blue screens on death in Windows. Purpose of this post is to help people with similar problem to faster diagnose the problem and avoid months of frustration.

Let’s go!

There are many many possible reasons for BSODS but I want to cover some related to Intel CPU Degradation.
You might notice early crashes in games that are causes by BEDaisy.sys if you have games that use BattleEye:
Arma 2
PlanetSide 2
Arma 3
Rainbow Six Siege
Heroes & Generals
Escape from Tarkov
Ark: Survival Evolved
Destiny 2
PUBG: Battlegrounds
Ghost Recon: Wildlands
Z1 Battle Royale

This might not be the full list.
Apparantely, BattleEye is very sensitive to driver / CPU faults and will make your system crash.

Let’s start with my story.
I started to get some BSODS with BEDaisy.sys and PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA around 6 months ago.
My system is Intel 13700k and 64GB of 6400 DDR5 RAM.
After quickly scanning forums and stack overflows, I concluded that its the issue with memory.
I used TestMem5 v0.12 to test memory along with config from author with name anta777 (thx!) (You can google and download).

This config is brutal to your memory and will find issues. I was getting errors in first 4–5 seconds of the run!
As a temporary solution, I disabled XMP and set memory to RUN at default 4800 speed. Issue disappeared for a month or so. Meanwhile I submitted a warranty claim to CORSAIR to replace my memory. When NEW memory arrived couple weeks later along with BSODS I was confused. But at this point I knew that its not the memory. (Corsair has great RMA process, btw)

I started stress testing my system with prime95 for hours and hours but it was incredibly stable in non 3D environment, no blue screens.

I was still getting BSODs in games for next couple weeks and one morning after another crash my system did not boot, my main SSD died (thanks to Intel?). Clean reinstall Windows 11 on brand new SSD, no extra apps, NVIDIA drivers only and.. again crash in games.

  1. Memory reinstall did no help
  2. Windows reinstall did not help
  3. Detaching all USB devices, including swapping mouse and keyboards also did not help.
  4. Disabling extra monitors did not help.
  5. Upgrading BIOS to latest version with Intel “fix” did not help
  6. Downclocking RAM did not help

In couple weeks I got my first non 3D game BSOD. I don't shut down my PC in nighttime (its goes to sleep mode) and I realized that quite often my PC was force restarted during night time, like 1am or 4am.
BlueScreenView app was showing me

MEMORY_MANAGEMENT with 0x0000001a
IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL with 0x0000000a

All coming from ntoskrnl.exe

I started to think that my CPU might be the issue. I checked CPU serial number and it looks like it was manufactured in 23 week in Vietnam of 2022 (CPUT batch # X239***). Based on Intel’s info — those CPUs were not part of the oxidation issue (no match in manufacture date or factory location. It gave me false thinking that my CPU is good and I might be having issues with motherboard or GPU (no more components left from old system).

Meanwhile, BSODs kept happening more and more often. Last weekend I ordered exactly the same but brand new 13700k CPU with the same day delivery, swapped it in 30 minutes and I don’t have crashes for last 3 days. System is stable. New CPU was made on 29 week of 2023 (Batch X329***)

What are the conclusions?

  1. If u have BSODs it might be related to degradation Intel CPU.
  2. If TestMem5 and prime95 are stable -> BSODs might be related to dying Intel CPU.
  3. If Windows reisntall dont help -> BSODs might be related to dying Intel CPU.
  4. If Windows restarts randomly -> BSODs might be related to dying Intel CPU.
  5. Intel CPU manufacture date and location does not matter

I will be filing warranty CLAIM with Intel in couple days to get my old 13700K CPU replaced, I’ve heard a lot of good about their RMA process. Will find out for myself soon.

There is a chance that new 13700K CPU will die again in 2 years, unless BIOS “FIX” updates will make it last longer with lower amps/voltage/power limits.

P.S. I’m still excited for 15700K. I believe Intel knows about all the issues and will put all the measures in place (in FABs, testing approach, working together with motherboard manufactures for optimal CPU bios settings, etc) to make sure it wont happen again with new 15 gen CPUs, at this point its crucial for Intel’s survival to have a successful 15 gen launch. (Intel stock is $22.74 at the moment of writing)

