7 Home Remedies to Banish Pesky Pimples

6 min readJul 27, 2016


Eeeeks! Got another horrible zit on my chin, and it is the day before the big DAY…

Indian outfits and lovely sarees on your agenda? A zit on the chin will surely spoil your entire look (and confidence)….

Do zits, pimples, acne or whatever you call them spoil your mornings
(and days) too? Whatever the big DAY maybe — an interview, a first date, a special meeting, a friend’s engagement or your own wedding (GOD forbid!), a zit (especially on the face/ neck) can cause huge stress.

But, you really can’t keep pimples at bay all the time. Even the best of the skins have to deal with them given the high levels of pollution and stress these days. Hormones too will play savage, every now and then, and so will late nights, wrong food and too much drink. What would you do? Keep handy these simple home remedies that can help you take care of pesky pimples — to quite an extent —

1. Mint and Basil (Tulsi)

Take fresh Indian basil and mint leaves, crush them to fine paste by adding a little water (use pestle and mortar or a grinder) and apply this on your zits. Although pimples may take about 2–3 days to disappear entirely, you will see an almost immediate relief in inflammation and redness. If the paste causes extreme tingling or burning, your skin may be broken. Remove immediately.
[You may also add Neem leaves to the mixture, for added anti-microbial properties.]

2. Aloe Vera and Neem

Aloe Vera gel mixed with neem is known to bring instant relief to swollen zits. Aloe vera will cool down your skin, soothing it, and will also take care of any pimples-related flaking. Neem’s amazing anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties will fight infection. Neem leaves as well as neem oil help in removing marks left behind by acne.

3. Cinnamon and Honey (and cloves)

The wonder spice cinnamon reduces inflammation and fights germs. Mix a small spoon of ground cinnamon with organic honey. Apply this to your zits, which may tingle/ burn a bit. Unless the burning sensation is excessive or unbearable, you can keep this mixture on for about 20 minutes. Wash with warm water and repeat at least twice in a day.

Cloves work like magic in skin troubles, but can cause stinging when applied directly to the skin. So, instead of using them solo, mix powdered clove with cinnamon and honey paste.

4. Lemon

Lemon juice and peel are strongly astringent. They are great for oily skins, and also fight microbes and infections effectively. If your skin is not dry, flaky or broken, you can safely use lemon juice on your pimples. This will dry out your pimples, and it’s a relatively easier to carry out remedy. Don’t overdo it, though!

5. Steaming followed by diluted Tea Tree oil application

Tea tree oil is a great remedy for all skin issues. It is proven to fight acne and even difficult to address issues like skin tags. To deal with pimples, wash you face, wipe it dry and them take steam for a few minutes. Keep a mixture of few drops of tea tree oil, little aloe vera gel and a few drops of water ready. After steaming, apply it using cotton wool. Tea tree oil will sting badly, if your skin is infected or broken. Also, DO NOT steam, if you acne is infected badly. Please consult a good dermatologist, in that case.

6. Ice Cubes and Essential Oil infusions

Apart from tea-tree oil, organic neem oil, clove oil, cilantro oil and lavender oil are known to fight acne and infections. To begin, take an ice cube, and wrap it in a clean handkerchief. Rub this ice pack gently on your zits, till you feel numb. Do so for a few minutes, and then apply a mixture of a few drops of each of these essential oils. Keep repeating it through the day, if overnight disappearance is what you need.

7. Other stuff from your pantry and refrigerator

Tomatoes — known to close pores and curb oiliness and white/ blackheads, tomatoes can help you decrease zits’ appearance and re-appearance. They have citric acid, and much like lemeon, will help you shrink pimples.

Cilantro (Coriander leaves) — Wash and boil coriander leaves in 2 glasses of water in a wide-mouthed pan. Steam your face, when the water boils. Drinking this infusion, when it cools down will clear and cool your stomach, aiding digestion. Direct effect will be visible on skin after a few days only. However, you can also cool this mixture, run cilantro leaves and apply directly on zits. Once they cool down, wash your face with leftover water. This will immediately address the redness and inflammation.

Strawberries — are excellent for dealing with skin issues and pimples. They remove oiliness and are a great way to freshen up your face. You can continue to intermittently rub your face with strawberry, through the day — to reduce pesky pimples.

Garlic — is a very strong anti-microbial. You can cut a freshly peeled garlic clove and rub it directly on your pimples to reduce inflammation and curb infection. There may be some stinging there, though. So, don’t try on broken skin.

And, here are a few pointers that will help you, to some extent, keep these trouble-makers at bay —

  1. Have primrose oil supplements, after consulting your doctor, if acne makes a regular appearance on your face and body, just a week or so before your menstrual cycle dates.
  2. Wash your face with water, every few hours, especially when the weather is hot and humid.
  3. Rub ice routinely on your face, if you have open pores and whiteheads. Do this after washing your face.
  4. Don’t be afraid to speak to a dermatologist, who may prescribe a cycle of antibiotics, if your acne issue seems to be going out of hand.
  5. If hyperacidity and extra spicy food seems to bring the pimples on, steer clear of the spicy and oily food.
  6. Exercise regularly, and consume a healthy, balanced diet. Take supplements of micro nutrients and vitamins like Vitamin B complex, selenium, Vitamin C and E.

So, please go ahead and use these remedies from your kitchen cupboard, cellar and refrigerator to maintain a glowing, pimple free skin. And, whenever you have a special occasion on the anvil, please start taking extra care a few days ahead. You won’t want a zit on your rosy cheeks, when you dress in that designer lehenga choli for a special function. Would you?

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