Saren harsh
3 min readOct 1, 2022


formula milk for babies

Numerous disappointments come with feeding a small child who could only communicate through screams and sobs. However, with guidance and patience you could learn to feed your children in aspects they would appreciate. Following this guidance would bring you closer to achieving that goal, beginning with ideas for introducing new foods.


It is prevalent and instinctive for children to avoid new and unknown foods. Given the lack of food experience, a broad range of foods is initially difficult to sell. However, there are a few techniques for dealing with this tendency. One is to ensure that your child consumes with the other members of the family at family meals. Children learn by observing, and if they see their siblings and parents consuming and appreciating a wide range of foods, they are more inclined to try them themselves. This is significant since studies show that revealing babies to a variety of flavours and textures prepares them for a lifetime of good health.

Keeping Spit-Up and Vomit at Bay

Anybody who has noticed their washing load multiply with a new baby understands how difficult a spitty child can be. Why do children spit up after they have eaten? While time generally solves this issue, there are a few pointers that could assist disappointed parents in the meantime.

One simple solution is to not feed them regularly. The more food in your child’s stomach, the further likely it would all come back up. So, eat smaller portions more frequently.

Another option is to burp your child more frequently. Gas could return everything up, and if you save burping for the conclusion of the meal, you’ll have more time to deal with an upset stomach.

Although you should usually wait until your baby is six months old to introduce solids, some children must be given a small amount of mild, solid food along with formula milk for babies. This is especially true if your child has trouble swallowing or if spit-up causes reflux. Consult your paediatrician about the best approaches. Approximately 5 per cent of children have milk or soy formula intolerances or allergies. Switching to a hypoallergenic formula might just be the ultimate solution for these spitters. Other symptoms of this intolerance or allergy include gassiness, irritability, and poop changes.

Also, while stomach time is generally beneficial to children, you might want to avoid it immediately following mealtime. Any added pressure on their stomachs increases the likelihood of what went down returning.


Why are children, picky eaters? Your children are born with specific food choices. Young kids chose sweet, smooth, calorie-dense foods from birth. These foods are typically convenient to chew and high in energy, however, they do not satisfy all nutritional requirements. So introducing new foods to your child is essential for producing good eating habits that will last a lifetime.

Your baby would almost certainly begin refusing new foods at a certain point. It’s even got a name: neophobia. Neophobia typically spikes at twenty months and begins to fade by the time a child is five to eight years old. But besides this tendency, there are methods for introducing new foods at a young age.


Are you concerned about your child’s eating or lack thereof? If your question isn’t answered here, or if you notice troubling symptoms such as your child losing weight, gagging, or vomiting on certain foods, you must contact your paediatrician right away. This is also true if you suspect your child has acid reflux or if the child is constipated, diarrheal, or dehydrated. If you have any worries about your child’s diet, don’t wait too long to call the doctor.

