Some interesting Computer Vision papers from ICCV 2017

Sarfaraz Hussein
3 min readNov 14, 2017


The International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) is one of the top-tier conferences in computer vision. This year it was held in Venice, Italy. Out of 2143 valid submissions at ICCV, 621 papers were accepted with an acceptance rate of 28.9%. Some interesting highlights include the application of reinforcement learning for object tracking, visual dialog and activity forecasting, along with the improvement in the generation as well as the applications of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). The proposal of novel loss functions (focal loss, range loss) to address class imbalance was exciting.

There were a lot of interesting and exciting papers. Here is my list of some of the interesting papers from ICCV 2017 categorized by applications.





Generative Adversarial Networks:

Face Analysis:

Action Analysis:

General/Other interesting problems:

That’s all. Feel free to add more in the comments. Enjoy!



Sarfaraz Hussein

Research Scientist at Center for Advanced Machine Learning (CAML) @ Symantec. CS PhD. Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Medical Image Analysis.