Complete Beginning Guide to NodeMCU ESP8266

Sarful hassan
4 min readMar 6, 2021


Introduction to NodeMCU ESP8266

Nodemcu esp8266, ESP8266 is a low-power, highly-integrated Wi-Fi microcontroller designed by Espressif Systems. It requires a minimum of 7 external elements to be effective. It operates in a wide temperature range: -40 ° C to + 125 C. Espressif is a Chinese company based outside Shanghai. Production of the ESP8266 began in early 2014. The ESP8266 IC is very small and can plug into the breadboard. We can buy pre-made development boards such as NodeMCU ESP8266 boards at any electronics store. Espressif recently launched the ESP32, a more powerful low-cost microcontroller with dual-core and many IOs and TLS 1.2, Capacitive touchpad, ADC, DAC, and Bluetooth capabilities.

≡ Nodemcu ESP8266 specification

To get started with this board, we must first learn about its specification. ESP8266 Specification

  • Operating Voltage: 3.3V
  • Current consumption: 10uA — 170mA
  • Flash memory attachable 16MB max (512K normal)
  • Processor Tensilica: L106 32-bit
  • Processor speed: 80–160MHz
  • RAM: 32K + 80K
  • GPIOs: 17 (multiplexed with other functions)
  • Analog to Digital 1 input with 1024 step (10 bit) resolution
  • Wi-Fi: 802.11 support b / g / n
  • Maximum concurrent TCP connections 5

≡Nodemcu ESP8266 pinout Connections

Here you can see NodeMCU esp8266 has different labels on it.

≡Software Development Using Arduino IDE

Thanks to the Arduino community, we can program ESP8266 directly using Arduino IDE with Arduino coding. At ESP8266, we can program in two ways, using AT commands and direct flashing. In this book, we will use ESP8266 for direct flashing for programming.

≡Installing NodeMCU ESP8266 board in Arduino

The installation method for adding the ESP8266 board very simple; with the latest version, follow the steps. Arduino IDE.below: Step 1: Open Arduino IDE Go to File >> Preferences. Add additional board manager URLs:

http : //

Step 2: Open Board Manager Go to Tools >> Board >> Board Manager

Step 3: InstallBoard ESP8266 SearchESP8266 and then Click the Install button. Note: If the Step1 URL is not added, it will not found by the ESP8266 board.

Step 4: After clicking Install. Tools >> Boards and look for ESP8266.

≡Checking Installation is working.

Check the LED blink program to verify that the installation. Step 1: Select ESP8266 Generic Board or NodeMCU 1.0 Generic ESP8266 Module works for all boards, so I like this board.

Step 2: Open LED Blink Example of ESP8266

Step 3: Modify or Write New Program to make GPIO2 LED blink. As shown in Figure 1, NodeMCU has two board LEDs. We use LEDs connected to GPIO 2, for example:

#define LED 2

void setup()


pinMode(LED,OUTPUT); // Define pin as output


void loop()


// LED off. LED is connected in reverse



digitalWrite(LED,LOW); // LED on



Step 4: Uploading Program to NodeMCU Select less port on your board. Make sure you have the driver installed for your board. NodeMCU Serial converter uses CP210 driver for USB. If not, install the CP210 driver. Any program will start uploading when you connect to USB and hold down the NodeMCU’s Flash button. If you select the selected NodeMCU 1.0 board, you do not need to press the flash button. Step 5: Once uploading is successful, and now you can check the LED it is blinking. More ……………

Complete Beginning Guide to NodeMCU ESP8266

