Sarina Horn
2 min readSep 30, 2018

Aperture, Shutter Speed, ISO, DOF, & Dynamic Range.

This photo has a large aperture because it is isolating the flower in front and blurring the rest of the background.

Aperture- the opening of the lens diaphragm through which light passes. It is measured in f/stops, the lower the f/stop the more exposure to the sensor because the aperture is larger. Higher f/stops means the aperture is smaller and there is less exposure.

video explaining aperture
This photo has a quick shutter speed because it was able to freeze a fast moving object.

Shutter Speed- the amount of time that the shutter is open exposing light to the camera sensor. It is measured in fractions of a second, and the quicker the shutter speed the better you can capture quick moving objects. When the shutter is slow moving motions will be more blurred.

video explaining shutter speed
the IOS was set really low for this photo which made it every under exposed even though the room had more light than it appears.

IOS- measures how sensitive your sensor is to light. A higher number means more sensitive to light and can take photos in darker situations.

Video explaining ISO
This photo has a shallow depth of field because only the object directly in front is in focus and the rest of the background is blurred.

4. Depth of Field- is controlled by the aperture the distance from the subject and the focal length, its the zone of sharpness that will appear in focus. Small zones of focus are shallow DOF and large are deep DOF.

video explaining DOF
This photo has a high dynamic range because there is a lot of contrast between the lightest light and the darkest dark. The lightest part and darkest loose their details and textures because one is very over exposed and the other is under exposed.

Dynamic Range- is the difference from the lightest to the darkest parts of the photo, from pure white to pure black.

video explaining dynamic range