Happy birthday Springdales.

Riccha Sarin
3 min readAug 31, 2016


Those were simple days. No fancy superman Spider-Man costumes used to be available. First September is Springdales school bday. I was 3 , dressed up in a move kurta pajama with a moustache made of kaajal pencil carrying a basket containing fruits I was ready for school bday fancy dress competition. I was fruit guy of nursery b.

In prep standard I demanded to be made a girl character and so I was the little nurse who carried her head gear in her nurse tray all through the day

Second standard was funny. The house help Munna suggested to my mom “Bhabhi isko daku Mangal Singh bana do” I went dressed as a Chambal dacoit. The Kajal moustache was very big for the daku and the black daku tika on the forehead even bigger. Dadaji said I looked perfect and handed me my toy gun.

In third I was dressed as a bride.that was not my plan . I wanted to be kabadi wala. But sister had dressed up as a bride and told mom that she would not travel with A kabadi in the bus. Of course the bride she and I became were poles apart. Costume and jewellery was bought for her and she looked pretty as any bride could be. I on the other hand wore clothes stitched for Chacha Chachi wedding along with Japanese chappals he got for me which had ghunghroos inside and would make a tingling sound with each step I took. 2 wierd accessories dropped from my forehead which looked more like a sehra.

In 4 th I was a chemist shop. It was hard to explain to my classmates. What I really was I had mom’s cooking apron tied on to me with several medicines hanging from it. And a placard on my head reading chemist shop.That was not a male character thankfully.

In 5th I went as fido dido. I hope you remember the icon of The drink 7 up. With wierd punky hair and a t shirt on which mom painted Fido face I was off in a hope to win some prize. Just drunk the 7 up I took from home. That’s all I won. And I love my mom for all the efforts she put into me.when I think of those days it makes me feel nice. Simple days but the pleasures simple things hold is special

Why I wrote this today cos its 1 September and school bday. It used to be the best day of school. The cake cutting the assembly the party in class. Everyone decked up and the school decorated. Such fond memories.

I wish my alma mater a very happy bday and many more to come. I am sure this article has made all springdalians reading it very nostalgic.

When we were in school we most kids thought college will be cooler. When in college we wished for high paying jobs in plush offices and the day college would be over. When in jobs we miss our schools and colleges. This is our issue.

In the anticipation of something greater ahead of us we forget to enjoy our present. When we look back we realise the good times are a thing of the past. So we neither enjoyed today,nor yesterday for a tomorrow we don’t know .

Each day is different and life will have some very good ones and some extremely bad ones. Don’t keep waitingfor something better ahead.

We are here this is now.Enjoy today and plan for tomorrow. The planning should not disrupt the joys of today.

Till the next time have fun and keep the faith. Ciao

